The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Instant Wonders of God At “Come and Bless Me These People”, Osun State Crusade 2022.
The Miracle Working God cleared different ailments and repaired physical disabilities and disorders in the congregation at the instant declaration of restoration, healing, and deliverance from the mouth of the man of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka.
Here are the extraordinary deeds of God:
1. A man, 53 years born deaf and dumb healed.
2. A sister, 23 years born deaf and dumb healed.
3. Husband 55 years and wife 40 years born deaf and dumb healed.
4. A set of twins (sisters) born deaf and dumb healed.
5. 14 people from the school of deaf and dumb healed.
6. A woman, three years of violent madness healed.
7. A man, four years stroke healed.
8. A woman, four years stroke healed.
9. A woman, 30 years unable to walk healed.
10. A man, with five years of paralysis healed.
11. A woman, with three years of stroke and waist pain healed.
12. A man, five years stroke healed.
13. A man, three years unable to walk healed.
14. A man, 52 years born deaf and dumb.
15. A woman, two years deafness heard.
• No human being or spirits can do these, only God can do it.