The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Instant Testimonies || From Sorrow To Joy 2025 Day 1
You are free!
Wonders ensued after the prayers of our beloved Daddy, canceling all sorts of afflictions and diseases.
Here are some recorded testimonies:
- A Sis 19 yrs born deaf and dumb healed
- A Sis 1 year madness healed
- A Man who had four years of partial stroke healed
- A Man 3 years of broken bone healed
- A Sis healed of 5 years partial stroke
- A Bro healed of 9 years broken bone
- A Sis 22 years born deaf and dumb healed
- A Sis healed of insanity from birth
- A two-year-old child walking for the first time
- A Bro healed of 3 months of paralysis
- A Man healed of 7 years fractured bone
- A Bro healed of a 1-day attack of stroke
- A Bro healed of 7 years stroke
- A Sis healed of 3 months of dumbness
- A Sis healed of 9 months broken bone
- A Bro healed of 17 years born deaf and dumb
- A Sis healed of 5 years of paralysis
- A Bro healed of 7 years fractured hip bone
- A Woman healed of 6 years stroke
- A Sis healed of 6 years of paralysis
- A Sis healed of 8 months of pain
- A Bro healed of 5 years of paralysis
- A Sis healed of 1 year lack of sleep
- A Bro healed of 1-year leg poison
- A Sis healed of 1-year spinal cord injury
- A Sis healed of 10 years of paralysis
- A Bro healed of 1 year of paralysis
- A Bro healed of 12 years of severe pain
- A Bro healed of 12 years of leg pain
- A Sis healed of 7 twisted fingers
- A Man healed of 3 years stroke
- A Bro healed of 1 month and 1 week broken bone
- A Bro healed of 3 years stroke
- A Sis healed of 5 years of paralysis
- A Sis healed of 14 years of rheumatism
- A Man with 8 months partial stroke
- A Man healed of 5 years of cancer of the bladder