The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

It happened just according to the theme of the program “From Sorrow To Joy”. God showed Himself again and delivered the afflicted and the oppressed. The blind received their sight, deaf and dumb both heard and spoke, and a woman with over 5 years of insanity and inability to walk received her miracle.
Below are the amazing miracles that God did instantly.
1. A Bro 45 years born deaf and dumb healed
2. A Sis 19 years born deaf and dumb healed
3. A Sis 48 years born deaf and dumb healed
4. A Bro 22 years born deaf and dumb healed
5. A Sis 30 years born deaf and dumb healed
6. A Sis 19 years born deaf and dumb healed
7. A Woman with 16 years of paralysis, healed
8. A Woman with 1-year stroke instantly healed
9. A Woman with 1 year of paralysis, healed
10. A Man with 11 years of paralysis, healed
11. A Woman with 2 years of stroke, healed
12. A Man with 1 year of paralysis, healed
13. A Woman with 3 years of pain, healed
14. A Woman with 1 year of paralysis, healed
15. A Woman with 2 months of paralysis, healed
16. A Woman with 3 months of swollen leg healed
17. A Man with 16 years of paralysis, healed
18. A Man with 10 years of partial blindness rolled away
19. A Man with 2 years of paralysis, healed
20. A Man with 1 month of paralysis, knocked out
21. A Woman with over 5 years of madness and inability to walk, instantly healed
22. A Woman with 1 month of memory loss, healed
23. A Bro with 11 years of deaf and dumb, healed
24. A Man with 3 months of stroke, instantly healed
25. A Woman with 2 months of rheumatism, rolled away
26. A Bro 18 years born deaf and dumb healed
27. A Bro 6 months of partial stroke in Ghana, healed