The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Instant Miracles At Grand Finale Of Adamawa 2022
The Wonder-Working God has emerged in this gathering to confirm with immediate effect the words of our General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Mouka as he decreed recreation of damaged organs and freedom to all who are bound by one affliction or the other. Here are the marvelous works of God:
1. A man, 1 year unable to walk, healed.
2. A man, 2 years broken bone, healed.
3. A boy, born crippled, now walks.
4. A woman, with 8 years stroke, healed.
5. A woman, with 3 years stroke, healed.
6. A woman, with 3 years rheumatism, healed.
7. A woman, 8 years of waist pain, healed.
8. A woman, 12 years stroke, healed.
9. A woman, with 10 years stroke, healed.
10. A man, with 3 years stroke, healed.
11. A man, 20 years born crippled, healed.
12. A man, 9 years leg poison, healed.
13. A woman, 19 years deaf and dumb, healed.
14. A woman, 20 years deaf and dumb, healed.
15. A woman, 13 years stroke, healed.
16. A man, 27 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
17. A woman, with 2 years stroke, healed.
18. A woman, with 3 years rheumatism, healed.
19. A woman, 25 years of arthritis, healed.
20. A woman, 8 years unable to walk, healed.
21. A woman, 24 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
22. A woman, 21 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
23. A man, 42 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
24. A man, 6 years of violent madness, healed.
25. A man, 1 year deaf and dumb, healed.
26. A woman, 20 years unable to walk, healed.
27. A man, 4 years stomach problem, healed.
28. A man, 3 years waist pain, healed.
29. A man, 7 years waist pain, healed.
30. A woman, 8 months hand paralysis, healed.
31. A man, 6 years waist pain, healed.
32. A woman, 5 months partial stroke, healed.
33. A man, 36 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
34. A woman put to bed at the crusade ground.
35. A woman, 30 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
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