The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Instant Miracles At Day 2 Of International Crusade Titled: “What God Has Determined Shall Be Done”, Mgbidi 2025
- A man with 6 Years and 6 months Deaf and Dumb healed
- A man with 4 months of broken bone joined together
- A man with 20 years Stroke Healed
- A man with 8 months of leg pain and swollen heels healed
- A man with 1 year and 2 months of broken bone joined together
- A man 28 years born Deaf and Dumb healed
- A woman with 5 months a swollen leg due to poison healed
- A man with 8 months of Arthritis healed
- A woman 2 years and,1 Month broken bone joined together
- A man 24 years born Deaf and Dumb healed
- A woman 5 years glaucoma healed
- A woman 2 years and 1 Month broken bone joined together
- A man 2 years glaucoma healed
- A man 7 years broken bone joined together
- A man 3 months stroke Healed
- A man with 7 years Stroke Healed
- A man with 2 year Stroke Healed
- A woman with 1 year of paralysis healed
- A woman 6 months of partial paralysis
- A woman with 2 months of knee and waist pain healed
- A woman with 16 years of knee dislocation Healed
- A woman 1-year stroke Healed
- A man 2 years of terrible chest pain healed
- A woman 1 year 6 months stroke Healed
- A woman 2 years 6 months stroke Healed
- A man with 2 years of Stroke Healed
- A man with 1 year of severe neck pain healed
- A woman 2 months of paralysis healed
- A man 2 years broken bone joined together
- A man 7 years of paralysis healed
- A man 1 year 6 months stroke Healed
- A man 1 year paralysis healed
- A man with 10 months of paralysis healed
- A man 6 months of dislocation Healed
- A man with 30 years of loss of memory healed
- A woman with 2 years 3 months with severe waist pain healed
- A woman 2 years Inability to walk healed
- A man 6 years of leg pain healed
- A man 3 years of spinal cord injury joined together
- A woman with 10 months of Kidney Disease
- A woman 2 years broken bone joined together
- A man 6 months knee cap injury healed
- A man 5 years of Paralysis healed
- A man with 4 years of leg poison healed
- A woman 1 year waist pain healed
- A woman 5 years severe waist pain healed
- A woman with 10 years of waist pain healed
- A girl 3 months loss of memory restored
- A man 3 months stroke Healed
- A girl 21 years born Deaf and Dumb healed
- A girl 10 years born Deaf and Dumb healed
- A man with 4 years moving object from the waist to the leg
- A woman 4 years unable to walk
- A woman 4 years of severe waist pain healed
- A Boy 6 years hernia rolled away.