The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

In The Midst Of Masquerades, God Delivered Me
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”
Roman 10:13
The above Bible verse perfectly describes the story of our brother whom God answered on the day of trouble. Read his testimony;
My name is Brother Emmanuel Inagogo. I returned to Nigeria from Qatar in 2018, I am the brother God delivered from terrorists in Saudi Arabia border but I refused to testify. Due to my refusal to testify, I suffered from 2019 to 2023.
My wife was pregnant but the pregnancy became overdue and her Pastor from another ministry prayed for her and advised her to go for an operation so that nothing would happen to her but I insisted that she follow me to The Lord’s Chosen and if nothing happened, then I would give my consent for the operation to be carried out. She eventually came with me to the Counseling and Deliverance Service held in August 2023 which had the topic “God Will Give You Answer”.
While the service was going on, a word of knowledge came from the Pastor saying “There is a woman here, who is confused and doesn’t know what to do, your problem has overpowered you, but I cancel that problem for you in Jesus’ name”. I responded Amen. After the service, my wife told me that while the Pastor was praying, she felt as though a rope was loosened from her waist. While she was narrating this experience to me, water started soaking her dress. I started pleading with God to restrain the baby from coming out now because I didn’t want to be stressed since we were far from the hospital. The next day, she went to the hospital and delivered the baby by herself without the operation.
My second testimony.
My son and I went to visit my sister who lives at Isheri Ijedodogo here in Lagos on the 14th of September, 2023. Initially, we didn’t plan to sleep over but time was against us, so we sleep at her house and return the next day.
However, my wife called requesting that we return because our little baby was crying profusely and she couldn’t handle the baby alone. Hence my presence was needed at home. My sister persuaded me not to go because the area was dangerous at night but we left regardless of her warning.
On our way home, we saw a group of masquerades coming close to us, they were up to 18 in number. I wasn’t aware of their ongoing night festival called “Oro” so my son and I were attacked. They took my son from me and used different tactics like spinning their charms in the air and wading their knives threatening to kill me but I told them that I was a chosen and they couldn’t do anything to me. I was standing in their midst, and suddenly they all lay down and slept after forming a circle around me, even the one holding my son left him and laid down. In my mind, I thought they were making incantations, so I waited there for about 15 minutes until one of them stood up and asked “Who are those four men in white with knives around you and what are you doing with them” I looked around but I could not see anybody. He begged me to start going before those four men would kill them with their big knives. I held my son and we left. I was looking back and I noticed they were all still sleeping even after I walked far and entered a tricycle. That was how God of Chosen saved me and my son.
Praise the Lord!
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