The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

In The Den Of Kidnappers, God Made A Way
You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.
Psalms 32:7
It is glorious to behold the manifestation of God’s power in this present dispensation in incredible ways. Indeed, He is our hiding place and great deliverer.
Read this testimony.
My name is Brother Obinna Ukaatu, I reside in Lagos State, Nigeria. I traveled on the 28th of December, 2023 from Lagos State to Anambra State for burial. The journey to the East was smooth unknown to me that danger awaited me.
The burial I traveled for was scheduled to be held on 29th December 2023 at Aguleri in Anambra State of Nigeria. I called someone for directions. The person told me to follow the Onitsha route to Aguleri and I obliged to that.
We got to Aguleri successfully, and as we were almost close to our destination, I noticed that we were the only people moving on that road, and it was very lonely.
Before I knew it, I saw some group of people pointing torches. Initially, I thought they were Anambra vigilante group. When I stopped the vehicle, I was about to call them officers, then I found out that they were holding matchets and gun. I wanted to reverse, but no way. The one with gun pointed at me, he said I should come down.
As I came down, I discovered that they were not Igbo but Hausas. They told me to enter bush, one of them raised the gun and fired it in the air, they told me to enter the nearby bush. It was at that point that I realized that they were not armed robbers but kidnappers, I tried to escape but they pursued me and started shooting.
As I was running, I remembered that I was a Chosen. Just then, I summoned courage and faced him. I looked at him and declared myself a Chosen three times and said “where is the God of my pastor power”
Immediately I made the declaration, and the spirit of God took over the atmosphere. As he heard my declaration, he asked me not to shout again and demanded to know why I wanted to run before. He said I should follow him. From the bush, he accompanied me to the main road. He asked me for my car key, I told him that it was inside the car. He assured me that he would release me to go.
He told me to start the car, I did as he instructed, and he said I should go, so I zoomed off. Brethren, that was how God Almighty delivered me from the hand of kidnappers and I return all the glory to Him. Hallelujah!
What a mighty God we serve! Are you looking for power, solution to your problems or sicknesses? We enjoin you to worship with us at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and your life shall be transformed in Jesus name, Amen.