I Was Promoted To An Assistant Commissioner Of Police After The Prayer Of Our General Overseer

And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy – Exo 33 vs 19.

The doer of wonders, He that doeth good things embarrassed our brother with uncommon miracles and today he is rejoicing.

Read his testimonies;

My name is Brother Dasumi Saidu Kadiri. I was formerly a Muslim, I joined the Lord Chosen through Cable, the ministration of the General Overseer hit me so hard and I was convicted of my sins I became sober and instantly decided to join the ministry.

It happened that in the year 2010, I was transferred from Oyo State to the police college in Lagos State, there I met a man who directed me to THE LORD’S CHOSEN CHURCH and I started enjoying the Church services including weekly services.

In 2013, there was a libel against the Church and our General Overseer. My colleagues who knew I am a Chosen gave me the Cassette to watch and mocked me but I told them that I have listened to my pastor and won’t accept any negative report. Not too long, all of them that mocked me were transferred to the north and I was made the operational officer in my command. Hallelujah!

My second testimony was in the year 2012: My wife was so sick that she was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LUTH) I couldn’t bear what was going on there because every 5 minutes they would bring out a dead person, later she was moved to the normal ward on oxygen. I looked for a nearby Chosen Church and I met with the assistant pastor there he prayed and said “Our pastor has decreed that No Chosen will die a day before his or her time” and that I should go and tell my wife. When I got to the hospital I told my wife as directed by the pastor and further assured her that she will not die.

The following day at midnight, a nurse went to check on my wife and was surprised that the oxygen on her has been removed and her breathing has suddenly returned to normal. after some medical inspections, we were discharged. when we visited the hospital for a medical checkup, just then we realise what God did for us. we were Informed that the doctors gathered the case file of my wife and said that in the last 10 years, no one with her case has survived. And I was amazed.

For all that the God of Chosen did for us, we can’t appreciate him enough. So, I and my wife bought land at my place in Badagry and built it for God so that our people there will not scatter and today they are worshipping there. Hallelujah!

My last testimony; it happened that during one of our programs, my G.O. declared a miracle promotion saying and I quote “If your name is not on the list, that promotion will not be released and I claimed it. The next day someone called that they have collected my information and document for the promotion. I was promoted on the 27th of March 2023 from the position of Chief superintendent of police to Assistant Commissioner of Police of Lagos State.

Chosen Praise the Lord.

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