I Was Poverty Stricken But God Connected Me To A Multi Million Chinese Company

1Samuel 2: 8 – “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.”

My name is Brother Michael Echendu. I reside at Safejo Amukoko, Lagos State. Indeed, nothing is impossible for God to do, this good God has proved his incomparable power to me and has changed my story intensively.

This is my testimony:

I am the only son of my parents. I served my uncle for 9 years and left with nothing. In 2014, I came to Lagos to stay with my aunt. We were 9 people in 2 rooms and it was uncomfortable. Every night, I affirm to myself that my life would not end like this. In 2020 during the lockdown, I constantly supported the work of God financially and whenever I receive my salary, l divided my salary into two and gave God a part.

In 2021, I had nothing in my account but received a ministration from God to print a business card for myself. I used all the money I had on me to pay for the production of my card. Thereafter, God mysteriously connected me to a Chinese Company. When I got to the company, I was asked to provide my business card. I showed it to the man there and was given access to the manager’s office. The manager asked about my age, and I told him, and he said he wants to make me rich.

He introduced me to a genuinely lucrative business but I needed capital to start off. I called my family members for assistance so I can purchase a sample of the goods introduced to me but everybody turned me down. I prayed to God to perfect what He has begun in me. I borrowed the sum of #40,000 from a friend to purchase the goods. I took the goods to the market and started marketing them. One man that indicated interest was afraid of partnering with me since he didn’t know me. I asked him to give me a try and he requested my account details which I furnished him with. When I got home, I prayed to God and made a pledge asking him to touch the heart of the man.

The next morning, an alert of 5 million Naira woke me up. A call followed suite which was from the man inquiring if I had seen the alert. He asked me to come to his shop. When I arrived, he wrote a cheque for an additional 3 million Naira. I purchased the goods for him and delivered them promptly and made a profit of N350,000. I paid my tithe and my pledge. God started blessing me. Sometimes, in a single supply, I would make a profit of N600,000 Naira.

One fateful day, a multi-millionaire in the market saw what God was doing in my life and called me into his office. He requested that I should take him to the company so he would make a deal with the company and he will give me a discount of #200 per good, I declined. Even though I don’t have enough money, I believed the God of Chosen would do it for me. I walked out of his office. Unknown to me, he visited the Chinese company to be the only distributor of the goods.

It was on a Thursday and I was in the Church that day. The white man called me asking if I knew him. I said yes, then he informed me that the man was in his office, but he will handle it. I went on my knees and prayed to God not to allow me to be put to shame. After that day’s service, I took a bike to the company. The white man told me that the purpose of the man coming was to close our deal, but he was disappointed. I give God all the Glory for this.

Presently, I sell plumbing materials. I was in debt of 3.5 million Naira for about 2 years. It became a burden to me, and I kept on presenting it to God. I use to come out for pledge whenever Daddy calls for such, and I ensure I redeem it. During the last concluded Lagos crusade titled “Sorrow to joy”, Daddy mentioned my case and said “You that has goods that you cannot sell, I command the goods to be sold” At that time I had thousands of goods in the storehouse that I was struggling to sell. On the last day of the program, I was opportune to meet our daddy. He placed a finger on my forehead and said, ‘You are blessed’.

The next day, calls started coming in and within a week, I sold all the goods, made a profit in millions, and settled my debt.
Chosen praise the Lord.

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