I Joined The Lord’s Chosen Church Program Online And My Pile Disappeared (Workers And Leaders Conference 2023)

I will restore your health, and I will heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord. – Jeremiah 30 vs 17.

Indeed distance is not a barrier to what the Almighty God can do, and our Brother can attest to the mysterious act of God.

Read his testimony;

My name is Donatus Nwosu, I am from Aba in Abia State, I joined The Lord’s Chosen Church in February 2023 after my uncle sent me a link to join the program titled “From Sorrow to Joy” in February.

I joined the program virtually, However, before then, I was suffering from a pile, but during prayer on the first day of the program, Our G.O. said and I quote “That person having pile, I cancel it now”, I said Amen and believed, I joined the program again the next day which was the last day and from that day till now, I have not experienced the pile again, the pile disappeared.

After this miracle, I decided to join The Lord’s Chosen Church and since then the things I used to do like drinking, gambling, and smoking, I don’t do them again.

I give God the glory for the genuine salvation of my soul, I have come to return all glory to him.

Praise the Lord!

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