The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Hurray! The Lord’s Chosen Church is 20 years this year!
The counsel of the Lord stands forever and it is written, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it -Matthew 16:18.
God Almighty has specially brought us to this 20 years of operation, and we warmly invite you to come and celebrate with us.
It has been 20 years of divine manifestation of God’s power to heal all kinds of diseases and afflictions such as HIV, AIDS, Covid 19, Kidney failure, Liver problems, deafness and dumbness, blindness, stroke, paralysis, Epilepsy, Staphylococcus, barrenness, raising the dead back to life, breaking chains and yokes of poverty, delay in marriage, sickness, failure, bondage, limitations, etc, unimaginable empowerment of dominion, favors, blessings, miracles, and overflow of anointing in the lives of innumerous multitudes.
Through this ministry, there has been an awakening of the end-time assignment which is to preach the gospel of Christ to every creature in the hearts of believers in line with the accomplishment of the threefold visions of the church:
• Grassroots revival all over the world. Mark 16:15
• Revival of the apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ all over the world. Acts 2:17.
• Reviving heaven consciousness in the hearts of believers all over the world. Matthew 6:33.
It has been 20 years spree of divine growth, numerical expansion, and otherwise.
Within these years of existence, The Lord’s Chosen church is all over the world in Asia, Europe, America, Africa Countries and other continents the world.
The Church is marching forward with great grace, power, and anointing of God upon the servant of God Pastor Lazarus Muoka(the General Overseer).
God has given us the Chosen Schools where godly children are raised to the glory of God, the institution has produced the best brains in the world, and in the record, it is one of the decent Schools in Africa with an award of excellence. It has branches in Iba, Okoko, Ayetoro, shibiri, Alaba, Coker, Ikotun, Ijesha, Festac, Lekki, and Imo State, Nigeria.
In these 20 years, godly men and women have been produced through the theological school of the church named More Grace Bible Institute. Also, the college has branches in 17 states of the federation.
The Lord has been so gracious to us, He alone can do these things!
We shall gather from all works of life to give thanks to God and appreciate Him for all He has done for us on Sunday 18th December 2022.
Come with your relations, household, and friends, there will be an overflow of blessings spiritually and otherwise.
Time: 8 am prompt.
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Happy 20th anniversary mummy and daddy
May this good God of heaven keep you and protect you in Jesus name Amen. ❤️
Happy 20th anniversary to mummy and daddy.I wish you all to both healths and longevities.signed:onuoha silas Nicodemus.