How My Baby Girl Was Changed To A Baby Boy – Easter Retreat 2023

Matthew 21:22 – “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”
Luke.1.37 – For with God nothing shall be impossible.

The impossibility specialist who nullifies the report of doctors and scientists has proved his power in the life of our sister by doing what no man can do. Please read her testimony below.

My name is sister Uju Chinedu and my son’s name is Ifechukwu Chinedu. I thank God for making me and my family Chosen.

It happened that I was pregnant with my fourth child, at a stage of the pregnancy, I went for a scan examination and was informed that my baby was a baby girl. I was worried because I have two girls and a boy already. I told my husband, and He said no, that it was not what he asked God to do for him. We kept coming to church and praying and believing in God for divine intervention. I went for another scan and the result was the same. I went for the third, fourth, and fifth scan examinations and the results were all the same. I refused to buy baby things believing in the power of this great God of Chosen.

In one of our Church services, our G.O. mentioned my case and I believed his word that God will change my baby girl to a baby boy. At nine months, my husband asked me to go and buy baby things for a boy not for a girl because he believes that the God of Chosen will change the baby girl to a baby boy. I obeyed and bought the items of a baby boy.

On the day of delivery, I miraculously gave birth to a bouncing baby boy at Angel Hospital located in Orile Lagos State.

I also want to thank God for delivering me from Anemia and a low immune system that lasted for a month and a few weeks. He took up my sicknesses and restored sound health to my body. I give God all the glory for all His good benefits towards me and my family.

Chosen Praise the Lord!

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