How I Was Embarrassed With Blessings After Supporting The Work Of God

But you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water, and I will remove sickness from your midst – Exo 23 vs 25

It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart, and He’ll always be with us if we do abide, there is nothing in this wide world can pleasure afford, there is peace and contentment in serving the Lord.

The above passage and song are a complete scenario of what has happened in the life of our sister. Read her testimony:

My name is Blessing Samelie from Edo State, Nigeria, and I am happy to be a chosen member.

I want to thank God for His protection upon my life and that of my family, for all He has done and has been doing for us, may His name be highly exalted.

My testimony goes like this, by the special grace of God, I joined The Lord’s Chosen Church in the year 2013. Afterward, I traveled to Abuja and looked for one of our branches that I will fellowship with before going back to Edo State. On reaching the church, the way the environment looked gave me concern, so I met with the admin of the church to verify if that was exactly the place of worship and he said yes. Furthermore, I inquired to know why the compound looked that way, and he explained how they tried to build the church twice but it collapsed. After that day, I was troubled as a result of the state of that building, so by the special grace of God, I said to myself that we must build the house of God.

As God may have it, we did something in that place and roofed the church and after that, God began to bless me and by the special grace of God, He gave me a mansion in Edo state, it is a mansion, not just a house. hallelujah!

In the year 2015, I got a leading from God that I should go and tell the church that there are three places we should open a fellowship center, but I battled with the thought within me, and before I could know it our pastor was transferred and the new State Pastor arrived, I went and met the Assistant State Pastor, and explained to him what bothered my heart, also whenever I go out for evangelism, people will always tell me that they need our church in some locations, and most of our members when they build their houses and relocate, they tend to move into another community and change church.

However, after the meeting, I went into fasting and praying asking God to give us a place around that location. Months later, we got a place and the owner gave it to us without collecting any money for rent or lease, I had to sow a seed of #500,000(Five Hundred Thousand Naira) to commence with the building of the church, beyond my expectation, God favored me with a land that is worth 14 million Naira in Abuja.
As I am serving God and sponsoring the work with the little I have, God embarrassed me with houses, cars, and many more.

I want to appreciate this Great God Of Chosen who has given me all these blessings, may His name be highly exalted.

I pray heaven at last for my Daddy G.O., all the chosen members worldwide, me and my family, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you Lord!

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