The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

How I Got A Job Without CV
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
Sometimes, we are confronted with many challenges that look impossible to handle but we have a God who is a specialist in impossibilities and He has proved His power in the life of our brother.
Read his testimony.
My name is Brother Goodluck Agara. I came to this ministry in 2012, I am appreciating God for making my family and I Chosen. I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul even at this young age. God has been helping me to preach on the bus, morning, evening, and hospital evangelism.
My second testimony is how God granted me a miracle employment. In April 2023, I was out of job and was seriously looking forward to being gainfully employed as soon as possible. Amidst this, I continued serving God faithfully and I promised God never to miss Saturday workers meeting, I also endeavoured to attend other services in the church.
After a vigil one day, I went home and decided to take a little rest. Not quite long, I was woken up by a voice that directed me to dress up and go outside. Then I saw a little airborne cotton that stood before me. Suddenly it was as though I was pushed to follow the direction of this object and it led me to the gate of a company. When I got to the front gate of this particular company I regained myself and wanted to turn back and go home but a voice stopped me.
The voice asked me to keep standing. Soon someone came out of the gate and asked me if I was Goodluck and I replied in the affirmative. He then asked me to come in immediately because there was no time. When he took me to his office, he handed me an employment letter asking me to resume work without me submitting a CV. That was how God gave me a miracle employment.
Another testimony is that God increased our salary after I wrote it as a prayer request during our crusade “IT IS OVER, 2023”.
Finally, despite being new in the company, I was the one selected for an exclusive training as other old staff in the company were bypassed.
I encourage the youth to take God seriously and serve Him in this ministry. I pray for my Pastor that more power be given to him in Jesus name. I pray for all Chosen ones and my family too, Heaven at last in Jesus name.
Wow! What a mighty God we serve. I don’t know what you are searching for. We invite you to worship with any Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and the Lord shall grant thee the desires of your heart in Jesus name, Amen.