How God Vindicated Me From The Evil Plot Of Men And Granted Me Financial Favour

Psalm 7:6 Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; Lift Yourself because of the rage of my enemies, And awake for me to the judgment You have commanded!

The Vindicator of the righteous has delivered our brother from his accusers. Read his testimony below.

My name is Pastor Eddie Anechi, I am from Obudu in Cross River State Nigeria.

I sell roofing wood and on a faithful day, a customer came to my shop and ordered building wood which was dropped at his site as he instructed. When I got there, his carpenter confirmed the quality and we left.

The next morning, the customer went to his site and couldn’t find the wood he purchased from me, he called and I informed him that I dropped the wood in the care of the carpenter. He told me that the carpenter said I did not drop any wood. Then I replied that it was the carpenter that collected the wood from me but he disbelieved me.

I arrived at his site putting on my apron and to my surprise, there were no woods, I didn’t know what to do and the customer is a cultist. He and the carpenter accused me of not dropping the wood he purchased from me. The customer then walked up to me and slapped me. I was so shocked and groaned in my spirit, I said, “the God of my pastor where are you? I left the place.

That night, in my dream, I saw our G.O., he used his handkerchief, wiped my face, and said that I should wait for the next action.

The next morning, I was informed that the carpenter during the work, fell from the house, landed on the ground, and died instantly right in front of my customer.

A few minutes later, the man (my customer) and his worker ran to my shop, knelt, and pleaded that I should forgive them. Immediately, he paid my remaining balance.

Before now, when I supplied the wood, the carpenter ordered his boys to take the wood out of the site for a purpose known to him and that was what led to the missing wood but God delivered me from their plot.

The second testimony: there was a project at the church headquarters and we were asked to raise money at our autonomous, I had only ₦20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira) with me, and my needs were more than ₦500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira). I thought of what to do and I decided to give God that ₦20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira) because he can help me to take care of my problems.

When I returned home, I received a favour of ₦800,000, Hallelujah!

If you are a Chosen and you have come to this mount of transfiguration, the Lord will bless you. This God who has started the good work in the life of our Daddy G.O. will keep him, and everyone one of us, in Jesus’ name.

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