How God Transformed Me From A Hardened Drug Dealer To A Genuine Christian

Luke 5:32: “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

The Covenant-Keeping God, He that does what He said He will do has proven His mighty power in the life of our brother. Read his testimony:

My name is brother Samson Ikhesie. I live in South Africa but I am a Nigerian precisely from Imo State. My conviction about this great ministry started in 2013 while I was installing television channels in South Africa. I decided to watch these African pastors but I wasn’t touched by what they were doing. Suddenly, I stumbled at The Lord’s Chosen Channel. I didn’t know Chosen Church before then, neither had anybody told me about it. When I heard the preaching of the G.O., I was touched because I have not heard such preaching on righteousness and holiness before. I flashed through the memory lane of my life and what my family was going through, and I knew that only this church could deliver me.

However, I used to be a Christian, but when I relocated to South Africa, I joined the company of unbelievers. I started dealing with hard drugs, fornicating, and all sorts of evil, but anytime I watch The Lord’s Chosen Channel I would cry, I couldn’t surrender my life to Jesus Christ because I didn’t want to leave the hard drug business.

On a faithful day after listening to G.O.’s preaching, I made a covenant with God and said, “if you can reveal to me any other type of business I would do and succeed, I’ll stop this drug business”. Before then, when I dream, I don’t remember my dream but that night I dreamt and I recalled it vividly. God showed me a particular business and when I woke up, I disobeyed God by not doing as I promised. I felt troubled and I called the headquarter here, I shared my dream with the person that picked up the call, and he told me that we would have an agreement but if I won’t fulfill the terms and conditions we won’t pray. I agreed and we prayed.

After praying, he requested that I drop my hard drug customers’ contacts and see what God will do in my life. I resisted and thought to myself, this pastor doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he doesn’t know what we are suffering in South Africa and how we feed ourselves. I ignored his instruction and went on to sell hard drugs. That same day, I was arrested by a policeman, however, because I know the policeman, I bribed him and was released.

As a result of my disobedience, the devil struck me. The drug business started moving like never before. Three months after, I returned to Nigeria and started building a house in my village, I couldn’t finish it due to constant serious attacks. I informed my elder sister to accompany me to The Lord’s Chosen Church despite not being a member and she did. When we arrived at the Chosen headquarters, I went to the altar and prayed, then returned to South Africa to continue my hard drug business.

After some time, the attack became so severe that I nearly died. I searched for The Lord’s Chosen Church in South Africa and met with the National Pastor there who told me that I need to fulfill the covenant I have made to God and that God is calling me to serve him. He prayed for me and I left. I made up my mind to serve God and broke my drug business sim card, that was how God healed me of my sicknesses that same day.

During one of the services, our G.O. mentioned my case thrice, he said, “that brother that broke his sim card and flushed it, this God will bless you”. After the program, God healed me totally and began to bless me. I opened a petty restaurant business (mama put), looking up to God for the realization of the dream He gave me.

Today, God has blessed me with a double garage( where cars are sold) in South Africa, He gave me a beautiful wife and children (two boys and one girl). Also, the house in my village enemy decided that I would not finish, I have concluded it, and God has added a two-story building to me in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, this Christmas season, I bought a jeep from America recently.

My brethren if you want to be a Chosen, be a Chosen indeed and God will bless you.

Praise the Lord!

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