How God Rolled Away One Year And Eight Months Of Blindness At First Visit To The Church

Psalm 126:1: When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, We were like them that dream

The only good God who does what no man can do has turned the captivity of our brother and given him songs of jubilation
His testimony goes thus:

My name is Brother Joseph Aleri Uche, I worship at Oshodi Region One at 74 Salami Street, Mafoluku, Lagos State, Nigeria, and beside me is Brother Christopher.

On the 31st of May 2023, while I was returning from morning evangelism, I met this brother and his daughter on the street where I preached, and as I passed by, she greeted me, I worked about 10 meters away and heard a voice which said, “Why are you all not obeying the voice of my servant?” I looked around but didn’t see anyone, I continued walking and heard the same voice say, “Is that not a blind man that you just saw? What did my servant say about people like this?” that way I knew that the voice was for me.
Hurriedly, I ran back to them and asked his daughter where they were going, she said they were going to LUTH (Lagos State Teaching Hospital) for a medical checkup because her father was blind.

Just then, I invited the man to come with me to church the next day which was Thursday 1st June 2023.

In the early hours of the day, I visited the man to bring him to church, he said he has no one to accompany him. I persuaded and assured him that I will help him, that way he quickly dressed up and we left for church.

When we arrived, I sat close to him due to his condition, and as our daddy mounted the podium and prayed, I realized that water was gushing out of his eyes, he fell under the anointing and was brought to the front of the pulpit. When our G.O. rounded up the prayer, the ushers interviewed him and he kept telling them that he can see.

The following Sunday, he came to my branch church with his family to share his testimony, and on Monday, he visited his office and everyone there rejoiced with him.

Bro Christopher:
My name is Christopher Zara and I am here with my family today to show appreciation to God and testify of how he delivered me from the bondage of blindness that lasted for one year and eight months. I am grateful to God because I can now do things on my own and go out unaided.

This illness began on 18th November 2021 with Apollo symptoms. I visited Geo Medical Centre at Shogunle, and from there, I was referred to another medical center at Ajao Estate before I resorted to Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH).

It was while I headed to the LUTH with my daughter for my last appointment that we met Brother Uche.


Bro Christopher Zira Instant


Apart from my church(Roman Catholic), I have visited two other churches and there was no solution to the blindness.

I visited the Lord’s Chosen branch last Sunday and the preaching was very wonderful, I believe that God has raised the Chosen Ones to spare the world in a good way.

After the preaching, the Pastor said the Church needed some renovation and he said if God has laid it in our hearts, we should give any amount willingly and that he wasn’t forcing anybody. Just then, I asked my daughter to write out the account number and I transferred a certain amount.

A few days after the transfer has been done, I received a favor of N64,000(sixty-four thousand nairas). Hallelujah!

I pray that God will continue to use our Daddy in the Lord to rescue sinners and backsliders all over the world.
To all Chosen members all over the world, I pray, heaven at last for everyone, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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