The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

How God Recovered My Defrauded 14.6 Million After Daddy G.O. Prayed For Me
1 Samuel 30:18a And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away.
The Great Deliverer mysteriously retrieved our beloved brother’s swindled money. Read his testimony below.
My name is Brother Sam Obijiaku. I’m here to thank God for bringing me into this group: a place of truth, reality, sincerity, holiness, and righteousness. It’s a special privilege and I cherish it every day; it has been from glory to glory since I came into this ministry. I have so many testimonies of protection, sound health, progress in my family, safety, and lots more, but the one that brought me here is that of reality and obedience to our Pastor.
Some time ago, I came in contact with some people who I became close to. I counseled and worked with them but didn’t know they were international fraudsters. We have known for over three years and eventually, they struck and defrauded me of 14.6 million Naira. At first, I thought it was a joke but as soon as they did this, their language changed. They began to behave like lions and made threats to my life, my wife, and even my children.
When I discovered the danger that was ahead, I ran quickly to our Pastor, because now, it’s not just about the money but lives in danger. I knelt and said, “Daddy, our lives are in trouble”. He asked to know what happened and I narrated the story to him, in turn, he decreed, “God, follow them up and recover all the money in Jesus’ name.” He told me to rise and as I did so, I was filled with boldness. God truly followed them up and all the money was recovered to the last Kobo.
I urge everyone, old and new members to believe our Pastor, mark, and ride on his words. We cannot imagine what happened, it was like going to the throat of a lion to bring out what he has swallowed.
After Pastor’s prayer, I continued to appreciate God for the utterance of His servant. I implore my fellow ministers who work with our General Overseer to never allow familiarity to rob them of their favors with God. I have also remitted ten percent of that amount to the church account.
I pray that our Pastor, Mummy in the Lord, and the children will live longest; they will continue to enjoy the best of health and accomplish their ministry. I pray that God will give him favor with the government, presidents, ministers, and kings so that this ten billion souls mandate would be accomplished with ease.
Finally, I pray that God will raise mighty men and women in their hundreds and millions, who will do his bidding just like the three mighty men who were with David in Jesus’ mighty name.