How God Gave Me Victory Over A Chairmanship Election In The Market

Psalm 75:6-7- For promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the judge: He puts down one, and exalts another.

God Almighty confirmed His word in the life of our brother by granting him a promotion and all-round victory in his family, business, and political ambition. Below is his testimony:

My name is Evangelist Paulina Izuchukwu. I hail from Oraifite in Ekwusigo LGA of Anambra State, Nigeria.

By God’s grace, I am the immediate past chairman of Alaba International Market. I am a lover of this great movement and I appreciate what the Lord is doing in this ministry.

I have been following the messages of the General Overseer of the church and I discovered that the messages were centered on heavenly consciousness.

Some years back, I was deeply touched by the ministrations of the G. O. This propelled me to invite him to my home town Oraifite for a crusade. The program to the glory of God turned out to be a harvest of souls.

After the convention, God blessed me excessively with numerous blessings. One of them was that He helped me to build a factory in my hometown for manufacturing special instruments, the factory happens to be the first of its kind in manufacturing such instruments in Africa as a whole, and it will be commissioned soon to the glory of God.

Secondly, I run my business at Alaba International Market. At a point, due to God’s blessings in my business, some people came to me appealing that I contest for the Chairmanship election of the market union. I was reluctant at first because there was a trend going on at the market which was if you are not a member of a cult group, you will not succeed, talk more of the Chairmanship position. So I refused to oblige to their request due to fear and other factors.

In the long run, I decided to meet the G. O for counseling and prayer. He prayed for me and encouraged me to go there and shine forth as light in the midst of darkness.

On the day of the election, I stepped out in victory. Unknown to me that some evil people had done some evil against me waiting for manifestation. They were waiting for something bad to happen to me because they didn’t want a Christian at that particular seat of power.

After the election, God proved to them that promotion does not come from the East or West but from Above, the Lord helped me to emerge as the winner. One of them congratulated me and told me that I was very strong. I perceive that they had tried to harm me both spiritually and physically but they were disappointed with the outcome.

Prior to the election, I delivered my manifestos to the traders and by God’s grace fulfilled all the promises I made to them during the election. One of the things I desired much to achieve during my era was spiritual sanitation in the market and God helped me to achieve it. I invited many men of God to the market and our G.O. was among them. After all these spiritual exercises, many altars and kingdoms were destroyed. The market took a new shape afterward.

After the program, some people at the market rose up against me, they said that they must disgrace me, and tried their best to harm me, my business, and my family. At one point, the battle became so tough and fierce. This made me bring all my family members to our Daddy in the Lord for prayers. Thereafter, the storm ceased. I reigned for four (4) successful years to their utmost shock.

At the end of my era, they vowed that I won’t have a successor. I knew the aftermath effect of a leader not raising a successor after a tenure of leadership. I needed someone to continue with the standards and policies I have already established at the market. They fought tooth and nail to frustrate me but in the end, God gave me victory.

At the end of the election, it was my preferred candidate that became my successor. He took over the mantle of leadership to the glory of God.

I give God all the glory for the victory, His blessings, and divine protection upon me and my family throughout the four years that I was at the helm of affairs at the market.

Paise the Lord!

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