How God Favoured Me and Made Me a Millionaire

NAME: Brother Frank Nweke.

My testimony goes thus:

Last year, our Pastor requested for a new bus donation, I came out and sowed a seed of ₦50,000, after few weeks, The God Of Chosen favoured me with the sum of ₦8,000,000.

Secondly, This year, during our weekly spiritual exercise, our pastor declared a miracle alert. According to the declaration of my pastor, I do receive my own alert on daily basis.

Lastly, few Sundays ago, our State Pastor declared “budget 2020”. Prior to now, I’ve been looking for properties to develop which seem difficult, but I believed God, seeing that my pastor has ordered us to go and build estates.

One day, I came across a retired General, telling him that I was interested in one of his properties in Kasambo extension, the property of about 8,000ms. The man said, he will give a thought to it, along the line, information got to me, that a lot of developers do approach him on the same issue, discovering this, my faith was unwavering. Finally, he asked me to prepare a proposal. At first, I thought of seeing my state pastor, but, on second thought, my spirit reminded me that, I don’t have to see him, I just needed to give him a call, he’ll pray for me, and my miracle will be done. Just then, I called him, and he assured me that, it is done, he will hear my testimony.

Two days later, the General called and told me to come and collect the property.

As I speak to you, our design is ready, we are doing about 16 units of terrix duplets, and fully detached 6 units; also, I met with the federal mortgage bank officials, spoke with them as regards to off stakers. They said, If the 16 units are available and not taken, they will provide off stakers to take the whole 16 units.

Now, I have my company’s name “Horrick Properties” registered with that Estate.

I want to thank The God Of Chosen who has done this. If you’re not a chosen you’re missing a lot. You need to be here to receive a touch from God. Believe every statement from the mouth of our Pastor. You don’t need to see him face to face, if you call and he says, it is done. Just believe it, because it’s done.

I pray heaven at last for my G.O, our state Pastor, and everyone, in Jesus name.
The God Of Chosen is so Great!!!


  1. I collect a big testimony.. The Raw power of God like Elijah too

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