How God Bountifully Granted Our Sister Outstanding Academic Excellence And Miraculous U.K. Visa

Daniel 1:20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.

The testimony below portrays how our beloved Sister performed outstandingly above his equals in his academic pursuits.

My name is Sister Somadina Ofomata, I live at No.13, Jubril Martins Street, Lawanson, Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria. I have come to thank God for making me a Chosen member and seeing me through medical school for seven years. All through my stay at there, I didn’t rewrite any course or repeat any class.
I graduated as one of the best 20 graduating students of my set.

Secondly, God gave me a house manship in LUTH( Lagos State University Teaching Hospital) Idi-Araba. Throughout my one-year house manship, God saw me through, I didn’t fall sick or have an accident; everything went successfully.

Thirdly, God favored me with the license to practice medicine in the United Kingdom. For this particular license, I had to write three exams at once and pass them.

After getting my license, it was very difficult for me to get a job. I sent over 200 applications to get a job, but none yielded success. It got to a point where it became very difficult for me to apply for work, so my sister and I went to our Daddy G.O. with our CVs and we asked him to pray for us that we wanted to get a job.
Shortly after that, I got an invitation to attend an interview after which I got the job.

Lastly, I appreciate God for giving me a visa to the UK. Very soon, I will travel to Sussex in South East England. Before all these successes, while I was in medical school, I started a Chosen Campus Fellowship with two other students in the medical school at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, College of Medicine. I preached the gospel, and as I am also going to the UK, I will live an exemplary life of a Chosen preacher by the grace of God, amen.

To my G.O. I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen, uphold, and keep him from all evil in Jesus’ name.
To all the Chosen members worldwide, Heaven at Last in Jesus’ name.

Are you a student in the Campus? Locate the Lord’s Chosen Campus fellowship nearest to you where God will work on you and you shall become a wonder to many. Chosen is first class!

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