The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

How A Denied Visa Was Restored
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses – Joshua 1:3
The Master Planner, the All-Sufficient God visited our sister and showed her mercy when all hope seem lost. Here is her testimony.
My name is Sister Franca Emmanuel, I live at Alarole, I joined The Lord’s Chosen Church in 2004. I thank God for the salvation of my soul.
Many years ago, I was in Germany but was deported, and on coming back to Nigeria, life was hard, I struggled to go back but all efforts proved abortive. When I came in contact with The Lord’s Chosen Church, I visited and listened to the undiluted word of God from our G.O, I followed all his instructions, I gave my life to Christ and started preaching the word of God and that made me happy and I continued in faith.
After some months, I applied for a but was denied thrice. I was not bothered again, I decided to face my God and do what pleases him. On a faithful day, Our G.O mentioned my case during our Thursday counseling and deliverance service, he said “You that were denied a visa, tomorrow go to the Embassy and collect your Visa”. The next day Friday, I went to the Embassy and was given my Visa.
It happened that after the declaration from our G.O., my Lawyer called me that my visa was to be processed, I took my passport to the Embassy and after the due process, my visa was returned to me. I would be leaving the country soon, I say God Almighty who did all this for me, may His name be highly exalted in Jesus’ name.
I pray for my Pastor and all the Chosen members worldwide Heaven, at last, Chosen is first class.