How A Chain Smoker Was Liberated By God

2 Corinthians 5:17: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

My name is Sister Rosemary Manozie. On behalf of my new convert, Kehinde Ina, I appreciate God for all He has done. Sometimes last two weeks, our G.O. asked us to begin Regional Crusade.

One morning, on my way to work, I stumbled into this boy standing beside me, he lives around my workplace and was a smoker, in a dreadlock hairstyle with two earrings on both ears.

As I sighted him, the spirit of God prompted me to meet with him. I walked up to him, shared the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and asked him to remove his earrings which he did. Thereafter, I invited him to the Regional Crusade which he promised to attend. After the program, I told him he would go with me to Thursday’s Counselling And Deliverance service and he agreed.

A day before that Thursday, I called him to my office to give him money to barb his dreadlock, he refused and I didn’t pressurize him because I know within me that God would perfect what He has begun.

On the service day (Thursday), as soon as we alighted from the vehicle, he said that for many years, whenever he sleeps at noon or night, he must make love to a being in the dream. Furthermore, he told me he doesn’t know where to go for a solution, and I assured him that he is on the solution ground.

As our Daddy in the Lord mounted the podium during the deliverance session, he commanded spirit wife to lose their grip in the lives of as many who they have tormented. After the service that day, on our way home, he opted to barb his hair, I gave him money, and that evening, he shaved his hair.

Days later, his parents came to my office in gratitude and I told them that all thanks should be given to God. On the other hand, he came and told me that the lovemaking in the dream has stopped. After the Regional Crusade that Friday, I told him never to associate himself with those friends he smoked and stayed with because he’s now a changed person.

According to his parents, after the day I advised him, he doesn’t leave home like before but stays indoors. Again, he vowed that since the God Of Chosen has delivered him, he will always follow me to church.

Prior to now, he doesn’t do without smoking, and before 8 am, he would be at a joint smoking and drinking with friends but to the glory of God, he is now a new creature in Christ. Hallelujah!

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