The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

How 34 Years Of Affliction Was Crushed
If The Son therefore will set you free, you will truly be the children of liberty.” John 8 : 36
Indeed what God cannot do does not exist, when all hope seems lost, The Lord is mighty in battle, he that breaks every yoke came through for our brother.
Below is their testimony;
My name is Sister Mary, I am his eldest sister, his name is Bro Henry, from water line, Rivers State, he has been deaf and dumb from birth for 34 years.
However, as this has lingered, We have been to hospitals and churches in search of solutions for my brother all to no avail, but today as the man of God decreed healing on the sick and deliverance to the oppressed, instantly my brother was set free and can speak and hear clearly.
This is marvelous in my sight. Hallelujah