The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

How 19 Years Barrenness Was Broken By The God Of Chosen
They trusted God for a child, and amid all odds, God came through for them.
Here is the testimony:
My name is Brother Anthony Eberechukwu beside me is my lovely wife Sister Chika with our little Sister Chidera Princess Eberechukwu.
My testimony goes thus, after my marriage, we were expecting the miracle of a child, and after one, two months, and a year nothing happened but God started blessing me. At first, He blessed me with a car, two years later, God blessed me with a jeep.
I traveled to the village, and my lovely uncle who has been the father to us since my father’s death called me, he said, “My son, I want to see our grandchild. I replied, Daddy is it why you are calling me? He said yes. I said no problem, God Of Chosen said my time has not come and that I should wait. He asked which time? I said God Of Chosen knows the time. He said, okay that he is waiting for me.
So I came back and told my wife that we would change the mood of our prayer into sowing seeds and making pledges. Whenever pledges for programs are made, we would come out and redeem them immediately.
Sometimes, it would be pledges for buses that would take people to church. My wife will come and pay for that.
We have been doing these all the while, and before you know it, God blessed us with this bundle of joy through the prayer of our Daddy in the Lord.
I return all the glory and adoration to this God Of Chosen who has been faithful to me and my family. I say may His name alone be blessed forever in Jesus’ name.
For my Daddy in the Lord, I pray that this God who has used him to bless this world will continue to keep him strong and give him an angelic body. At the end of this life, he, all the Chosen members worldwide, me, and my family will make heaven at last, in Jesus’ name. Amen.