How 15 Years Of Blindness Was Cancelled Immediately – Lagos Experience 2023

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord – Jeremiah 30 vs 17a.

My name is Sis. Gloria, beside me is Sis. Gaudi Buno my sister, we are from Cotonou. She has been blind for 15 years and unable to identify human beings or colours.

However, when we planned to come to Lagos State, Nigeria for the Mgbidi Lagos Experience 2023, she declared that her healing is sure and we had faith.

On our arrival to the revival ground, as the man of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka began the declaration of freedom to the oppressed and afflicted, she opened her eyes and touched me. I became intrigued by this marvelous miracle. Now, she can see and identify colours.

Our heart is filled with Joy. Indeed, God is here.

Praise the Lord.

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