Hospitals Rejected Me But The God Of Chosen Healed Me Of A Deadly Kidney And Heart Disease

Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them an abundance of prosperity and security – Jeremiah 33 vs 6.

Whose report shall we believe? that of the world or the master Jesus? Indeed we will believe the report of the Lord. Our brother is the epitome of the report of the doctor vs the report of God.

Read this inspiring testimony of the great act of God:

My name is Brother Daniel Omokaro, I am from Edo State.

Last year, I was diagnosed with heart and kidney problems and it made me start moving from one prayer house to another, I visited the University of Benin Teaching Hospital and other hospitals but no solution. I visited a hospital in Warri for treatment but the more they gave me injections and drugs my ailment worsened. The doctors became tired of treating me and they discharge me. They told me there is nothing they can do.

My landlord is a member of The Lord’s Chosen Church and while I was hospitalized he asked my wife about me, and she told him that I am very sick, so when I returned, he visited and prayed for me. He invited me to The Lord Chosen for the program titled “From Sorrow to Joy 2023” I came on Saturday of the program and was lying down at the back of the church, but Immediately our General Overseer mounted the pulpit, he started praying and mentioned my case saying and I quote “You that all your body is swollen and your kidney is damaged, I declare healing on you in Jesus name. “I will hear your testimony,” I said Amen and believed.

On Monday morning, I and my mother went back to Edo State. After one week and two days, my swollen body deflated, today I am testifying that hospitals rejected me but the God of Chosen did not reject me.

I return all the Glory to God for my healing and salvation.

Only God can do this, Halleluyah

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