Hernia Surgery Was Canceled After Sowing Seed In Faith

Jeremiah 30:17a For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD;

The Impossibility Specialist and Burden Lifter has made our beloved brother smile again.

Read his testimony:

My name is Brother Meritus Isianu and I worship with Emene Autonomous Enugu State, Nigeria. I thank God for making me and my family chosen members. I appreciate God who has canceled the hernia operation for me after sowing my first fruit seed in the last program titled, “From Sorrow To Joy”, 2022.


Mid-year 2021, I had pains in my groins, and because of the kind of work that I do, the pain became worse. Towards the end of the year, the pain became severe that I could not walk again. I related the issue with my manager and supervisor but they advised that I should go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

I visited the clinic and after several tests, I was booked for surgery on either the 26th or 27th of December 2022, but the doctor said I should come back on the 20th to confirm the exact date. On my return to the hospital(administration hospital Enugu), the doctor told me that he would like to travel for Christmas and that he would return in early January, and that the operation will be on the 8th of January 2023.

However, when I came back, I discussed the issue with my wife and she enjoined me to sow a seed and see what God will do. I gathered courage and sowed my first fruit (my January salary) to the God Of Chosen.

Thereafter, I refused to go back to the hospital. Meanwhile, my manager and supervisor asked to know why I didn’t proceed with the doctor’s plan and kept persuading me to go for it.

It got to a point that they called me into the office and told me not to be afraid of losing my job and that after the operation I will be fixed in a department where I’ll work easily, I replied that I have made up my mind to go to the crusade, ” From Sorrow To Joy”, they said, if my faith fails me that they won’t allow me to work with them.

When I arrived at the crusade ground for the program, while our Daddy in the Lord was praying, I waited in faith for him to cancel my case, and on Sunday, he said, “you that is booked for an operation, I cancel that hernia operation, you will not have that operation again”. I shouted, “amen!”
I danced in an unexpected way and gave someone my phone to video me, I also felt a heaviness leaving me. Later on, I went outside and checked myself but didn’t see the swelling there, I tried so much to do things I could not do before, came in, and sat down. I told the person who sat beside me what happened to me, and he encouraged me to go and testify, I went out to do so but wasn’t opportune to do so as a result of a large number of people. The Pastor said we should go to our different branches to testify.

There at my branch, my pastor demanded that I go for a check-up, I did and the test read negative, I ask them to redo the test and print it out, I took the result to my autonomous pastor, and we prayed on it, I took it to my office when my manager saw it, he became speechless, I pulled down to show him the part that was initially swollen, at that point, he shouted in amazement and said, “this is a big miracle”.

Days later, I resumed work, my colleagues observed me while I work, and because of the nature of our work, one of them affirmed the great work which the Lord has done in my life: no more swelling and pains. Let the name of the Lord be praised.

Since the day I sowed my first fruit, I haven’t relented in paying my tithe. This year, I’m here again to pay for my first fruit seed because it is the key that I used to lock up the hernia operation.

At this juncture, I pray for my G.O., his family, Pastor Stanley, and all the Chosen members worldwide, heaven at last in Jesus’ name.

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