The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Healed From 10-Year Gastric Ulcer
My name is Brother Emmanuel Ibuchukwu. I thank God for making me and my family a part of the Lord’s Chosen. I also appreciate God for the journey mercies He granted me from Cameroon to Nigeria.
For over a decade, I suffered from a debilitating gastric ulcer that caused severe chest pain. Despite undergoing medical tests and taking prescribed medications for a long time, the illness persisted.
In May 2023, our General Overseer visited Cameroon headquarters, and I was privileged to meet him. He prayed for me, and I am thrilled to testify that I am now completely healed! The gastric ulcer and chest pain are gone, and I can enjoy foods that were previously unbearable for me.
I give all the glory to God, who granted me healing. May His name be glorified in Jesus’ name. Amen.
If you are suffering from ulcer or any other illness and have tried various medications without success, I encourage you to visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement. Your situation will vanish away.