The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Grand Finale Instant Testimonies Of God At Hope For The Needy, 2024
Glory! As the man of God mounted the podium and made declarations of healing and deliverance, the spirit of the Lord moved mysteriously and sparked up light of hope among the maimed and disabled. Below are the wondrous works of God.
1. A man 35 years born deaf and dumb healed
2. A man 45 years born deaf and dumb healed
3. A woman with 10 months inability to walk
4. A man 1 year of frequent urination healed
5. A man 1 year paralysis healed
6. A woman with 2 years of chronic waist pain healed
7. A woman with 1-month paralysis healed
8. A woman with 2 years of waist pain healed
9. A woman with 2 years of leg pain due to an accident healed
10. A man with 18 years of paralysis healed
11. A woman 2 months of broken bone joined together
12. A man 7 months of kidney failure and inability to stand healed
13. A man 1 year broken bone healed
14. A man 1 month general paralysis healed
15. A woman brought dead and came back to life after the prayer of the Pastor
16. A woman 2 weeks of terrible abdominal and back pain due to kidney failure rolled away
17. A girl 8 years born deaf, dumb, and crippled can now walk, hear and speak.
18. A girl for 3 days she could not move or do anything but after the pastor’s declaration, she was brought back to life.