God Broke The Yoke Of 10 Years Unemployment And Miraculously Sponsored Me And My Family To The United Kingdom

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifted the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.

1st Samuel 2:8

The only Good God, who exalts a man, has mysteriously exalted our brother and changed his situation. Please read his testimony:

My name is Brother Chosen Prince Ikechukwu Okadibia Ikeagwu. I reside in Nnewi Anambra State. In January 2012, I went to Mgbidi in Imo State with my cousin brother to arrange for buses that would transport people to the program, while we were there working for the God of the Chosen, God went to Nnewi in Anambra State (my hometown) to seek employment for me.

Prior to 2012, I had been out of a job for 10 years but on that faithful day, my mother received a call informing her to tell me to come and resume work because they tried reaching me and my number was switched off, when I got the message, I was amazed at the wonders of the God of Chosen because I could not recall when I applied for the Job but God made them use an old application that I submitted to employ me. They went as far as paying me in arrears and promoted me to level 7 as a programmer/system analyst.

Also, this awesome God gave me a miracle admission for my master’s degree program in the United Kingdom, but because of a lack of funds to pay, I lost that in 2021. I received a call from two different people indicating to sponsor me and I should be their project manager. They told me to come online and open a WhatsApp page but the enemy struck and I couldn’t proceed with that role because my sponsors encountered great loss.

In 2022, I applied again for my master’s but noticed that all the universities I had applied to before had blocked my email because they saw me as not serious. I changed my email, reapplied and God gave me admission again. Not too long after I received the admission letter, one of my sponsors was miraculously restored; He then sent me the sum of 12 million naira. Coincidentally, the present Governor who took over declared free naira floating and after my first payment, the school wrote to me that I should send another proof of funds with an option of paying my fees in full. I began to pray for God’s intervention and within a few days, God provided for me and I paid my tuition.

Afterwards, they sent me the Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) to enable me to apply for Visa. I visited the embassy and something amazing happened; a new center was opened in Port Harcourt and I missed my appointment. Before the second appointment, they needed an amount that would allow my wife to go with me. To the glory of God, the needed sum was already in my account. I stand to testify that I and my wife will be traveling to the UK this night.

I don’t know how to thank this God! My pastor says, “It’s not by struggle” and truly it isn’t. May God who broke the yoke of poverty in my life be honored and glorified in Jesus’ name.

Are you wallowing in poverty or you are in a situation with no solution? Visit The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement around you and your life shall not remain the same.

Praise the Lord!

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