The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

From Poverty To Massive Wealth – It Is Over 2023
The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
1 Samuel 2:7
The Lord Almighty favoured our brother when all hope was gone and lifted him from grass to grace.
Read his testimony:
My name is Brother Dominic Orji. I joined Chosen in the year 2003. I came to the Lord’s Chosen Ministry having only Five hundred naira with me, I don’t have a house of my own. On the first day I came, the General Overseer, during his ministration said “Continuation brings freedom”. I also heard the testimonies of the brethren and I committed myself to the work of the ministry.
In 2005, I did my immersion baptism and kept on following the instructions of the General Overseer. On a fateful day, I was given a handbill to share and I shared it all. The following week I started to experience miracles. God started blessing me to the extent that I built a house for myself and also built one for my brother.
This God kept on blessing me then in February 2023, I encountered sicknesses and afflictions which made me visit many hospitals and doctors for treatment but all to no avail. However, on the last combined service of September 2023, our General Overseer (G.O) was rounding off his ministration, he said we should write seven prayer requests but my problems were more than seven, so I asked God to put my problems in the mouth of our G O. Just then our G.O stretched his hand and said “That young man with stomach ache I curse it”, I claimed it and that was the beginning of my miracle. God did not allow the enemy to kill me rather He gave me victory to testify. God also healed me of an appendix (a worm-shaped tube attached to the large intestine in the human body) that burst in my stomach, I stayed in the hospital for a while but now it is over.
Finally, in my village in Anambra State Nigeria, there is no The Lord’s Chosen Ministry except one. Then I decided to build a church for God but I did not have the finances to build the church, I told my wife about it and she told me to give my land out for the building. Today, I have finished the church and equipped it to the glory of God.
I pray for peace in Nigeria. Chosen praise the lord.
Are you in the bondage of poverty and you are eating from hand to mouth, please visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement so your situation can change for good; for with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)