The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Frequent Urination Knocked Out After The Prayer Of Our General Overseer
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him
Acts 10:38
The greatest healer has done it again. Read this amazing testimony of our brother.
My name is Brother Olagoke Oladele, I joined this great ministry in 2013. I want to appreciate God for healing me from frequent urination.
Before now, I was urinating but I never counted the number of times I urinated. There was a certain day, and I decided to count the number of times I urinated before daybreak, between 7 pm to 10 pm I counted 8 times, so I decided to use a bucket to measure it. I realize that I urinated more than 4 liters.
When I came here on Sunday, our G.O. made mention of frequent urination and since then I have not woken up to urinate again. That was how frequent urinating was knocked out after our G.O.’s prayer.
My second testimony goes thus:
For the past 7 months, I have been experiencing severe pain in the lower part of my right tummy. When I went for a test, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, on the same Sunday our G.O. mentioned the case also and immediately the pain stopped, I tried to check and stretch my body, then I discovered that the pain had vanished, and I had no pain at all. I could not sleep well before but now I can sleep anyhow I want. Besides, I was restricted from certain foods but now I can eat anything I want.
What a faithful God we serve! Are you going through a similar challenge or other forms of sicknesses, diseases, challenges etc. We invite you to worship with us at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement and God Almighty will give you a divine touch in Jesus name, Amen.
Jesus is Lord!