The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Divine Deliverance From The Shackles Of Death And Leg Poison – It Is Over 2023
Many are the affliction of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all.’
Psalm 34:19
Our Sister was confronted with divers affliction but in all, the Lord made a way of escape for her.
Read her testimony:
My name is Sister Favour Francis. I come from Abia State, Nigeria. I thank God for making my family and I Chosen.
On 30th September 2022, I was travelling to Owerri and I had a fatal accident that killed almost all the passengers in the bus, but I survived. However, I sustained a minor injury on my head and my hand but God Almighty healed me and preserved my life.
Secondly, after our women’s seminar in Owerri titled ‘Woman Thou Has Found Favour With God.’ I fell sick and at that time, I was 3 months pregnant. At one point, I visited the hospital for a medical examination and I was admitted. The doctor examined me and told me that my case was complicated. He placed me on injections.
Suddenly, my leg became worse, I was told my sugar level was high but it wasn’t. I stayed in the hospital for over a week and the ailment continued. When my branch pastor came to the hospital, he told me to leave the hospital and that my sickness is not something the hospital can handle.
My leg was so bad and I was referred to a man who owns a chemist in my street. He opened my leg and shouted that this is “Acha-ere (leg poison)”. Then I posted a picture of my leg on the Pastor’s Wives forum on WhatsApp and they were all praying for me.
A sister visited me with a doctor and the doctor checked my vitals and said my Blood Pressure (BP) was 480 and my sugar level was up to 500. I informed my branch pastor and he prayed for me that nothing would happen to me. During that period, the left side of my body was paralyzed and I couldn’t use my body.
Due to my situation, whenever I heard the sound of the doctor’s motorcycle in front of my house, my heart would skip and I’ll be so afraid because I felt I would not make it.
On the 20th of November, 2023, my husband asked me if I would attend the program titled “It is Over” I told him yes, although there was no money but I believed that God would make a way. That day, the leg injury burst again and started bringing out purse and the Doctor was called upon to inject me. After the injections the ailment continued.
We arrived here on Thursday the 23rd of November, 2023 and we joined the Counselling and Deliverance Service. As soon as the general Overseer mounted the pulpit and started praying, he mentioned my case, and instantly the purse ceased. Today, I’m standing to the glory of God.
I really thank God for all the people who ministered to me during this trying point of my life. I pray that God Almighty will bless them abundantly in Jesus name Amen.
Are you suffering from leg poison or any other ailment and you think that there is no remedy, visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and you shall experience a great visitation from above in Jesus name, Amen.
Jesus is Lord!