The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Day One Instant Touch Of God At “It Is Over 2023”
The name of the Lord is glorified as He made a way where there seems to be no way beyond human comparison: yokes have been broken and shackles shattered by the Awesome God at the declaration of healing and freedom from the mouth of His servant, Pastor Lazarus Muoka.
Below are the wondrous works of God.
- A man, 10 years of deafness and dumbness healed.
- A boy, 16 years deafness and dumbness healed.
- A sister, 20 years arthritis healed.
- A woman, with a one-month partial stroke healed.
- A man, two weeks partial stroke healed.
- A woman, 5 months of loss of memory healed.
- A woman, 5 months of loss of memory healed.
- A boy, 18 years deafness and dumbness healed.
- A sister, 17 years deafness and dumbness healed.
- A man, with 11 months of broken bone healed.
- A man, seven months stroke healed.
- A man, two years partial stroke healed.
- A man, four months broken bone as a result of an accident healed.
- A man, three years stroke healed.
- A man, three years stroke healed.
- A woman, four days of excruciating waist pain healed.
- A man, with two months of kidney failure healed.
- A man, 10 years arthritis healed.
- A man, four months of paralysis healed.
- A woman, with a three-year ulcer and dizziness healed.
- A man, one year, two months stroke healed.
- A woman, with three years of partial blindness healed.
- A man, with three years of paralysis healed.
- A man, 12 years cripple healed.
- A brother, five years of kidney failure healed.
- A man, with 16 years of waist pain healed.
- A boy, 14 years born deaf and dumb healed.
- A man, with five months of partial paralysis, liver failure, and swollen leg healed.
- A woman, one year year-swollen stomach healed.
- A sister, 12 years deaf and dumb healed.
- A woman, one year of scratches and a swollen leg healed.
- A sister, three years breast discharge healed.
- A man, 9 years partial hearing healed.
- A brother, 16 years withered hand healed.
What a Mighty God we serve!