The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Day One Instant Miracles Of God At “Power Belongs To God, Yes!” Rivers State Crusade 2022
The declaration of healing and freedom from the mouth of the servant of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka ignited the flow of God’s power into the congregation and caused transformation for all who are physically deformed. Below are the unimaginable wonders of God:
1. A brother, 25 years born deaf and dumb healed.
2. A boy, 12 years born deaf and dumb healed.
3. A girl, three years born deaf and dumb healed.
4. A man, 34 years born deaf and dumb healed.
5. A woman, with a one-year spinal cord injury healed.
6. A man who walks with a walking aid as a result of an accident, walks freely.
7. A sister, 19 years born deaf and dumb healed.
8. A man, 24 years born deaf and dumb instantly healed.
9. A brother, a year and four months broken bone healed.
10. A woman, ten years stroke healed.
11. A boy, one year unable to stand and walk healed.
12. A sister, five years partial stroke healed.
13. A man, seven years stroke and arthritis healed.
14. A woman, with two years broken bone healed.
15. A man, with six years of partial paralysis healed.
16. A man, two years unable to stand and walk without a walking aid, walks freely.
17. A man, four years broken waist joined together.
18. A man, with 13 months of stroke is now free!
19. A man, one year unable to walk as a result of an accident, healed.
20. A man, one-week waist pain healed.
21. A man, one year broke bones joined together.
22. A woman, 51 years deaf and dumb healed.
23. A man, eight months injury healed.
24. A man, four months stroke healed.
25. A man, eight months leg poison healed.
26. A man, four weeks of broken bone joined together.
27. A man, four years heart problem healed.
28. A man, two months partial stroke healed.
29. A woman, with nine months of heart enlargement and cancer healed.
30. A woman, three years and three months partial stroke healed.
31. woman, five years of body itching healed.
32. A man, who has lost memory for so many years, is healed.
33. A man, six and half years broken bones healed.
34. A boy, 10 years born deaf and dumb healed.
35. A man, 54 years born deaf and dumb healed.
36. A man, 25 years born deaf and dumb healed.
37. A man, with three years of broken bone healed.
38. A man, nine years stroke healed.
39. A man, seven months stroke healed.
40. A man, three and half years paralysis healed.
41. A man, with 10 years of severe chest pain healed.
42. A woman, with five years of stroke healed.
43. A sister, 21 years born deaf and dumb healed.
44. A woman, with four years of waist pain healed.
45. A woman, two years’ swollen leg healed.
46. A woman, with three months of waist pain healed.
47. A man, five years poison healed.
48. A boy, 11 years born deaf and dumb healed.
49. A woman with eight months of liver enlargement healed.