The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

DAY ONE: Instant Miracles Of God At “…And The Enemies Submitted”, 2024.
At the declaration of healing and freedom from the mouth of the servant of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, hopeless situations, and disorganized body systems which have been medically written off, received hope, restoration, and healing, thus:
- A woman, 28 years born deaf and dumb, healed
- A woman, 25 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- Couples married deaf and dumb from birth(wife 19 years and husband 31 years), healed.
- A boy, 19 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- A man, 13 years paralysis, healed.
- A man, four years broken bone, healed.
- A man, seven years stroke, healed.
- A woman, eight years broken bone, healed.
- A woman, with four years of waist pain, healed.
- A man, two years broken bone, healed.
- A woman, two months swollen right hand, healed.
- A woman, unable to walk due to ovarian cancer, healed.
- A man, three years partial stroke, healed.
- A man, with a year’s knee problem and unable to walk, healed.
- A woman, four months partial stroke, healed.
- A man, 13 years stroke, healed.
- A woman, two years broken bone, healed.
- A woman, four years stroke, healed.
- A man, five months blindness, healed.
- A man, four years stroke, healed.
- A man, seven years unable to walk due to an accident, healed.
- A man, seven years broken bone, healed.
- A man, seven months fractured bone, healed.
- A woman, 8 months stroke, healed.
- A woman, three years leg poison, healed.
- A woman, three years dislocation, healed.
- A man, one year stroke, healed.
- A woman, six months swollen body, healed.
- A woman, 4 years paralysis, healed.
- A man, four years stroke, healed.
- A military officer(man), four years stroke, healed.
- A man, seven years heart failure & diabetics, healed.
- A man, five years broken kneel, healed.
- A man, 15 years unable to lift his hand due to affliction, healed.
- A girl, 12 years old deaf and dumb, healed.
- A woman, one month unable to stand & walk due to an accident, healed.
- A girl, 11 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- A girl, 16 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- A boy, 16 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- A girl, 16 years born deaf and dumb, healed.
- A woman, three years broken bone, healed.
- A woman, six years insanity, healed.
- A lady, 10 years of violent madness healed.