Covid-19 Pulverised After Pastor’s Prayer

Psalms 50:15 – “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

Our God is indeed a present help in the time of trouble. Our brother out of the tempest called on God Almighty and He delivered him and put a new song in his mouth. Below is his testimony;

My name is Brother Uche Uju, by His grace, I am one of the pastors of this ministry in the United Kingdom. I also work at the government house over there. This is my first return to Nigeria after the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, I became infected with the disease, and it was so severe to the extent that I was isolated in a room inside my house to avoid infecting others, Food, water and medicine were passed over to me like a dog. However, My wife was courageous and would always come inside the room to encourage me, She kept praying and telling God that my ministry over there has not been fulfilled. At one point, she wanted to call the ambulance but I refused because 90% of the people that goes to the hospital do not return to their homes afterward.

One day, the complications became severe and my body was shaking and my temperature was so high, I was almost gone that day, my wife then decided to call the ambulance but God did something spectacular. When the ambulance team came to our house, they refused to carry me to the hospital. The doctor advised her to keep me in the house because there are many people already at the hospital and he doubted my survival there, This was an unusual comment from the team.

However, when all hope seemed lost, I called our Daddy for prayers. He just made one short prayer. He said and I quote “I command you this Covid-19 virus to get out of my son’s body in Jesus’ name, Amen”.
Instantly, the Covid-19 virus was pulverized, My system changed and I stood up immediately and changed my cloth. My wife came in and saw me standing, she was amazed. That same day the both of us went for a road walk, she was speechless, I quickly told her that our G.O. prayed for me and I received instant healing. Brethren since that day till date, all the symptoms of Covid-19 vanished in my body and I am completely free.

My second testimony goes thus; there was a restriction on open-air evangelism in the United Kingdom. It was one of the barriers to evangelism over there, 16 years ago, our G.O. visited the U.K. He asked me to accompany him to Trivagers Square, on getting there, our Daddy started preaching, people were surprised to see him doing that because it was unusual. After the preaching, God used our Daddy to break the yoke of restrictions on evangelism over there because we followed that trend, and today, the U.K. is ablaze for Jesus and our brethren have taken over the land through evangelism.

My last testimony goes thus; I am a technocrat and God has been blessing me with excellence in that profession. I worked at the University of London for nine months, on the second month, I got a scholarship to do my MPO but that was not my desire at that moment because I will be working from morning to 8 pm and it will hinder me from doing the work of God. I kept on praying for another offer. Miraculously, after rejecting the former, I got another scholarship to study law. I was so delighted because I wanted to be a solicitor. In that process, I began to receive contracts, even the contracts I lost years ago, I began to recover them one after the other.

Indeed my mouth is full of thanks and I want to return all the glory to God who answered me in the time of trouble and gave me all round victory.

Chosen praise the Lord!

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