The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Report Of The Once-In-A-Decade International Convention Titled: “It Is Over”
We appreciate the Awesome God, who has uniquely called, appointed, and strengthened our General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka to accomplish and bring to realization the just concluded program.
Multitudes who participated closely and those who followed online to acknowledge the power and presence of God attested to the awe-striking presence of God.
The sermon section themed, “In The Lord, It Is Over” (parts 1&2) was undoubtedly unique. The servant of God expounded on the topic and explained that God is the self-existing being who does not require powers, humans, forces, or anything to exist but every other thing needs Him to exist”, for that reason, we should submit under His will to do what pleases Him without giving excuses. We should shut down human efforts that make man isolate God and cling to the Mighty God, because whatever we’re looking for is in God’s possession, and He wants to give us free of charge. When He steps into the ugly situations of our lives, every trouble will be over.
The man of God led the worshippers through prayers of dedication consecration, and submission to the will of God. Furthermore, he declared, “Your struggle is over because God will move ahead of you and fight for you. All the kingdoms taking you as a project have been destroyed. By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I reposition you in the place of honor, power, favor, and prosperity. All your struggles in life have been destroyed, and from today henceforth, your battles have been taken over by God”.
In extension, he beseeched the Lord on behalf of the sick, afflicted, and maimed, and the Gracious God instantly magnified his name by changing their situations: 10 and 20 years of arthritis, 5 years of kidney failure, 12 years cripple, 16 years withered hand, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 25 years of deafness and dumbness, and 22 years of blindness were all technically knocked out by God.
Testimonies from previous crusades and fellowships abound whereby a woman and her husband expected a child after their wedding but it wasn’t forthcoming, they opted for a test and thereby discovered that they had staphylococcus which has been a barrier to childbirth they were placed on medication and instead of getting better, the sickness became worse, until they attended the program titled, It Is Over, 2013, the mighty hand of God touched them as the servant of God prayed, and the sickness rolled away. Today, she’s a mother to seven children.
Another woman testified of how God preserved her daughter who stayed for 19 days in a thick forest as a result of being abducted at the front of their compound by a kidnapper. God withheld the man from killing her after he had killed eight other girls, he threw our sister’s daughter into a thick forest where she couldn’t find a way out, and on the other hand, her mother dispersed her picture to different departments in the church, and prayers were continuously made on her behalf. On the appointed day of her deliverance, her mother received a call and was told that her daughter has been found at a particular location, she rushed to that place and found her, took her to the hospital for treatment. Today the young girl is strong and sturdy. Glory!
The congregation greatly rejoiced, danced, and praised the name of the Almighty God for His awesome and incomprehensible deeds.
Hallelujah! The Chosen Revival News( CRN) with all Chosen media collectively ascribe all the glory, honor, and adoration to this Great God and pray that He upholds and continuously energizes our General Pastor to carry on his vision and mission. Also, we pray that the Lord will sustain our new participants in faith and grant them all their heart desires, in Jesus’ name. Amen.