The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Report Of The Anniversary Celebration And Only God Can Do This 2023
The 21st anniversary and two days of December retreat have come and gone leaving echoes of victories, successes, and fulfilment in the lives of the participants. Only God Can Do This!
Members and a large number of guests came to take part in the celebration. It was a unique one as everyone partook in the spiritual and physical blessings(palliatives). A good number of people who also followed through different social media handles of the church were incredibly visited by God with numerous testimonies proceeding to that effect.
The man of God ministered on these topics: Appreciating What The Lord Has Done and Only God Can Do This( Part 1&2). He explained that the Lord has been so faithful since the inception of the church and portrayed God’s marvelous act thus: just as Jesus Christ was born in a manger so also The Lord’s Chosen was born in a bacher. Before you know it, the church began to spread like wide fire and today, it has recorded the fastest growth all over the world.
Speaking on the ultimate power of God, he said, “Sometimes, human beings get so worried because of ugly situations as if those problems will last forever, disregarding God who is the solution to all life challenges. He advised the worshippers to always cling to God in whatever they are passing through in life and not the help they can render to themselves because it’s limited but the power of God is unlimited and He is the only answer to all life challenges.
Furthermore, he made prayers of salvation, restoration, freedom, healing, and deliverance for the participants; many denounced their evil deeds and surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Christ. In extension, the power of God instantly struck the disabled and set them free from their ailments: spinal cord injury, kidney failure, blindness, deafness, dumbness, and many more afflictions were rolled away. A remarkable testimony was that of a family of five who were deaf, dumb, and crippled but as our Daddy in the Lord prayed, the five children of the same parents became healed.
Lastly, the servant of God gave words of knowledge and declarations thus, ” whatever the devil damaged in your body, receive them back.
“I declare victory for you.
“That thing which appears not working must work.
“Whatever God has not permitted in your life shall be terminated.
“You will not die a day before your time.
“No matter your old age, you’ll make it.
“This God who knows your enemies disguised as friends and is pressing buttons for you will break their hands.” In turn, the congregants assimilated these pronouncements and more in a heavenly language: amen!
Hallelujah! It was a refreshing moment before the presence of God, and we appreciate Him for all He has done.
Below are our days of activities:
Sunday 8 am: time of worship and study of the holy scriptures.
Tuesday 8 am: Revival Hour Service.
Wednesday 5 pm: Newcomers Class.
Thursday 8 am: Counseling And Deliverance Session.
Saturday 9 am: Workers Meeting And Bible Study.
As you become part of these weekly programs, all your needs shall be specifically met by God.
Please, drop a prayer for the servant of God in the comment section.