The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Report Of “From Sorrow To Joy”, 2023
We appreciate the Almighty God for granting our Daddy in the Lord the fortitude to accomplish His maximum desire and heartbeat amidst the present predicament in society. It was indeed a miracle and all sorrows were converted to joy. Glory!
The crusade was observed by a large number of overflowing crowds physically and millions who followed virtually. Some special guests were spotted in the congregation, namely:
- Dr. Bolaji O. Akinyemi- Convener and President of Voice Of His Word Ministry, Lagos State.
- Pastor Chijioke Okonkwo – Senior Pastor Voice Of Grace Ministry, Ikoyi, Lagos State.
- Apostle Lazarus Chukwuma- Voice Of The Cross and team.
- Apostle David A.B. Otaru- Ogun State PFN Chairman.
- Pastor Olukoti John Matthew- PRO PFN Ogun State Chapter.
- Pastor Adeyeye- Senior Assitant Deputy Chief Security PFN Ogun State.
- Mr. Kabebesoni- President of Mango Economic Corporation from Cameroun.
Many people were visited by God in confirmation of the word of knowledge and commandment issued by God’s messenger, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, those utterances were accompanied by signs thus: 34, 30, 21, 20 years born deaf and dumb, six years kidney problem, five years of heart failure, six years of poison and body pain, 21 years of loss of memory, and so on were all healed. The attendees alongside the Voice Of The Cross team and choristers joyfully glorified God in songs and rendered profound worship and praises to God for His mysterious deeds.
During the ministration session, the servant of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka aired the mind of God to the congregants in the themes “From Sorrow To Joy (Parts 1&2) and explained that the devil is the cause of sorrow, poverty, rising and falling, we shouldn’t give place to him by living a careless and carefree life or give him any chance to occupy our lives but we must resist him to run away from us, Judges 6:1.
Furthermore, a multitude of sinners and backsliders were led to surrender to Christ in genuine repentance and total submission to His will.
In his prayers, he declared healing for everyone in all ramifications of life, undeniable promotion, unspeakable, joy, and immeasurable testimonies. Statically, he decreed, “no matter the situation in the land, manner shall fall again”.
“Even if you’re not qualified for a miracle, the mercy of God will qualify you”.
“This year, financially, you shall be sustained by miracle”.
Hallelujah! We have come in contact with power that is bigger than the whole nation and are irrevocably blessed.
All Glory to the Supreme God, amen.