The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

The Closing Report Of The Crusade At Afipko Road, Abakiliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
The choice of Ebonyi State for this momentous event carried immense symbolism. Situated in southeastern Nigeria, Ebonyi State is known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant Christian population. It is a region that has experienced tremendous spiritual hunger, and the arrival of Pastor Lazarus Muoka The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries General Oversea promised to be a life-transforming encounter for all who attended
Our Daddy in the Lord with his aid arrived in the Ebonyi State and was warmly received by the Ebonyi State government and their esteemed Governor, His Excellency RT.HON Francis Ogbonna Nwaifuru. Subsequently, the Governor graciously asked the revered clergyman to offer a prayer for the newly-elected government. Our G.O (Pastor Lazarus Muoka) in response, fervently prayed for God’s bountiful blessings, grace, peace, and protection to encompass the State
News of the crusade spread rapidly within a few days of the announcement, creating a wave of excitement within the Christain community. The anticipation of witnessing Pastor Lazarus Muoka’s anointed ministry, accompanied by the extraordinary miracles and testimonies associated with his crusades, filled believers with eager expectation. People from all walks of life prepared themselves for an unforgettable experience with the power of God.
The Ebonyi State chapter of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, together with an army of dedicated volunteers, worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the crusade. The church crusade committee also provided unwavering support, ensuring that everything ran smoothly.
Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. The atmosphere in Ebonyi State was electrified as people flocked to the crusade ground from far and wide. The event began with fervent worship, as the multitudes lifted their voices in adoration and thanksgiving.
Our beloved Daddy, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, renowned for his unwavering faith and profound scriptural understanding, delivered a powerful sermon titled “The God that Changes Situations.” He emphasized the message of redemption, faith, hope, and salvation through Jesus Christ.
During the instant miracles segment, our beloved General Pastor ascended the pulpit and pronounced healing for all those afflicted and oppressed by dark forces. Sister Ndidi, as if struck by lightning, experienced the divine power of God flowing through her, instantly restoring her vision to perfect clarity. Sister Okouha Ginika, who had been deaf and dumb for 19 years and hailed from Nkalagu in Ebonyi State, began speaking flawlessly. Numerous other awe-inspiring instant miracles occurred, including the following:
Brother Uchechwuku Nwede, 22 years deaf and dumb, received healing.
Brother Who Pass God, 26 years deaf and dumb, received healing.
Brother Ogbonna Onake, 31 years stroke, received healing.
Sister Orji Ruth, 23 years deaf and dumb, received healing, and many more.
The impact of the Ebonyi one-day crusade extended far beyond the event itself. Local churches experienced a spiritual revival as numerous new converts joined their congregations, and members found strength in their faith. Testimonies of miraculous healings and transformations spread throughout the state, instilling hope and igniting a hunger for God in the hearts of many.
With overwhelming joy in our hearts, we, the Chosen Revival News (CRN), together with the Chosen brethren across the globe, joyfully exalt and give the highest glory to God for this extraordinary display of His power. We ardently pray for an increased measure of protection and empowerment upon our beloved Daddy G.O., Mommy G.O., and their entire family, in the mighty name of Jesus.