The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Report For The 2023 Workers, Leaders Conference, And International Women’s Program
It was a revival week with amazing experience at the just concluded three days workers meeting and women’s congress titled, Woman Thou Hast Found Favour With God”, 2023, which comprised incredible testimonies, expository teachings, impactful revelations, and inspirations about the preparation for the coming of Christ.
Participants from various states and continents gathered with great anticipation of experiencing God’s transformative presence. Throughout the event, the focus was on emulating the life and humble character of Christ. Attendees were encouraged to consecrate and dedicate themselves to the Lord, prioritizing God in all aspects of life while upholding righteousness and holiness.
The General Overseer, our beloved Daddy delivered powerful messages on a range of topics, including “Do This And Be Blessed” (Parts 1 & 2), “Following The Vision And The Visionary,” “Strengthen The Things That Remain” (Parts 1-3), “But Why Have You Done This?” “Resolve To Achieve Your Goal,” “The Inevitable Qualification For Ministers Of God,” and “Woman Thou Hast Found Favor with God.”
He illustrated that in recent times, trials, hardships, and difficulties abound to fulfill the prophecy of the last days and determine those who have consecrated their whole lives to God. The rapture will take place soon and there will be no room for amendment, it shall happen in a twinkle of an eye, and as a result, everyone should be prepared.
Also, a group of favored women performed compelling scenes, highlighting the importance of self-examination, consistent preparation for the Lord’s return, and the avoidance of negative influences such as hatred, bitterness, the love of money, position, and worldly distractions that hinder one’s spiritual journey.
The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable, both for those present in person and those following through social media. As the General Overseer made declarations of healing and freedom, joyful praises, worship, and thanksgiving filled the atmosphere. Miraculously, the power of God descended, bringing relief to the physically challenged and healing ailments such as cancer, deafness, dumbness, seizures, and various other complications. Thereafter, a man who was formerly a kidnapper testified of how he was put behind bars as a result of kidnapping, and was visited by the angel of our pastor in his dream which brought about his repentance and miraculous deliverance from the prison.
The worshippers assimilated these messages and surrendered ultimately to the lordship of Christ. The man of God prayed for sufficient grace to always do the will of God, he declared open doors to prosperity, healing, divine connections, and irrevocable favor for everyone.
In gratitude, we give all the glory, honor, and adoration to the Awesome God who guided us through the program successfully and enabled His dedicated servant, Pastor Lazarus Muoka to play a pivotal role in empowering and preparing attendees for end-time revival. Amen.