The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Remark Of The Int’l Youth Program Titled, “Visions For Greatness”, 2024
Closing Remark Of Visions For Greatness 2024 - It was the 21st Edition of the convention; the best of its kind likened to, "The Era Of The Wonderful Move Of God". It generated a multitude of youths from within and outside the country who attended and followed online.
It was the 21st Edition of the convention; best of it’s kind, likened as, “The Era Of The Wonderful Move Of God”. It generated a multitude of youths from within and outside the country who attended and followed online.
The atmosphere was intensely wired with mountain-quaking Holy Ghost-filled songs and chants of jubilation and victories by the Chorus Leaders, Campus, youth, Ghana, Togo, Yoruba, and Benin Republic choristers.
Exhortations such as
- Total Transformation Through Jesus Christ by Pastor Joshua Muoka who highlighted, “The lifestyle of the kingdom is righteousness. Our lives must be confirmed to the lifestyle of the Kingdom”.
“We cannot have the spirit of God and the devil at the same time”.
“A negative lifestyle can mar the future”.
“When a person begins to practice righteousness in love, truth, fear of God, mercy, obedience, meekness, holiness, and joy in the Holy Ghost, such person will find it easy to forgive”. - Create Your Future.
- The Empowered Mind Of The Uncompromising Youth.
- The Unacceptable Christian Life.
- The Youth And Social Media.
- The New Wave Of Revival came in series and sessions by different ministers of God. Get these messages in detail here
As the G.O mounted the pulpit during the two days program and expounded on the topics, “Vision For Greatness” (Parts 1&2), thus: Vision is an imagination of what God wants you to be. A person without a vision is like someone who is blind, walking in darkness, aimlessly, and in confusion all the rest of his life but with the vision, one’s life will be shaped, disciplined, focused, and determined. A person with a vision will never allow anything that will make God move away from him; he won’t allow stain in his name or life because it will wait for him tomorrow, not to do the person good but to stop him.
As a child of God, without anything in your pocket, you’ve become an altar, anywhere you get to, God from you will do wonders.
With this vision, you’ll rule your world and the people in it, you shall be connected to the wonderful move of God with power, win souls, evangelize, and be launched by the power of the Holy Ghost into the realm of greatness
He prayed for the sick and commanded deliverance to all who were possessed by the devil, led sinners and backsliders to the foot of the cross, and interceded for sanctification and the outpour of the power of the Holy Ghost in incredible measures.
Instant great miracles and wonders of God took place as 20, 23, and 30 years yokes of bed wetting and frequent urination were knocked out by God, a lady received a miracle alert of 100 thousand nairas, difficulty in urinating was made easy, inability to see clearly and crippled legs were made whole e.t.c.
A sister appreciated God for sparing the life of her dad, whose work demands he stays on the highway always. The Lord protected him from bandits who came to their checkpoint and robbed everyone there except him.
Also, God singled her out as the overall best in the department of accounting and the faculty of seven other different departments in Uniben (University of Benin). Before now, the Lord’s Chosen fellowship has been demeaned in her campus, but the only Wise God made a name for Himself.
A brother testified of how God suddenly changed his situation from being poor to a wealthy man after he was assaulted by a businessman in the market where he went to preach the gospel and shared tracts. After the incident, this Supreme God of the Universe drastically changed his situation within three months.
Now, he’s a multi-millionaire with a magnificent building of his own and a miracle car. Hallelujah!
Everyone cheerfully glorified the Lord for His magnificent presence and power. The congregation prayed for protection, and exceeding grace for the man of God while he, in turn, declared blessings, open doors and connections to the worshippers. Hallow be to His Holy name, forever. Amen.
Extracts On “Vision For Greatness”, 2024.
“Vision can be defined as the ability to think of the future with a determined mind”.
” You can’t live a life void of vision because we’re in the era of vision”.
“You keep on chatting and chatting, until you’re shattered”.
“You must have a vision for the future before the future comes”.
“Know your purpose, it will shape your vision”.
“Vision will make you to be purposeful in life and different from others”.
“Today’s vision can be tomorrow’s reality”.
Coming Up Next!
The Victorious Youth, 2025