The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Remark Of The Biennial Program Titled “And The Enemies Submitted”, 2024
Our enemies have made the worst mistake by challenging God in our lives! They have submitted and we are gathering the spoil until Jesus comes. Glory!
Our Biennial Mega crusade was a success. The Power-packed program recorded a populous turnup of brethren and invited guests from different states and nations of the world.
Out of the attendees, we remarked on the presence of the representatives of Lagos State Governor by name Mr Tayo Akinmade Ayende (Chief of staff) accompanied by his Special Adviser on Christian religion Rev. Bukola Adeleke, and his aides. They presented the goodwill message of felicitation from the office of the Governor of Lagos State, appreciating God for The Lord’s Chosen Church and all God has been doing through the ministry, he encouraged the brethren to always remain steadfast in the Lord and appreciated God for our General Overseer, Pst Lazarus Muoka, the ministers of God, and members who has come from far and near for their unwavering dedication to the work of the Lord, the growth of the church, and their continuous prayer for the state. He implored that prayers be made more for the state to be united in strength and love, and assured that this administration will remain committed to providing and sustaining a conducive environment for religious tolerance and harmony.
In turn, the G.O warmly appreciated his coming and prayed that the Good Lord would grant sound health and protection to the Governor, and to the chief of staff, he asked God to grant him his heart desires with promotions and then beckoned on God to grant peace, progress, and unity to Lagos State and our nation Nigeria.
The glory and power of God were made manifest in an uncommon way to touch lives, revive hopeless situations, and grant healing, freedom, and deliverance to many.
Significant Instant testimonies directly recorded and other online viewers include the 25 & 28, 31 & 19 years old (couple )who were married, deaf and dumb received the touch of God, 7 years stroke was healed, and ovarian cancer cleared.
A man testified of how God saved him from the hands of the armed robbers who shot at him but the bullet couldn’t penetrate.
Another was a young man who glorified God for helping him to gain admission into the tertiary institute on the merit list even when the number of people needed had been completed and published but through God’s intervention, his name became the 51st person, the Lord also averted fire outbreak that would have claimed his life in his apartment and used his aunt to favor him with a laptop when all hope was lost. These and more are the strange acts of God.
The congregation led by the chorus leaders, and different choristers rejoiced, sang, danced, swayed, jubilated, and appreciated the name of the Lord for all His miraculous deeds.
Thereafter, the man of God exhorted the worshippers with the topic, “And The Enemies Submitted” (parts 1&2). He highlighted that the work of the devil is to oppose God and His works, torment humans, and ensure they go to hell, he stated that whoever is not born again has the devil living inside him and that enemies will torment him. He further emphasized that hellfire was not created for human beings, but for the demons that oppose God, and because he doesn’t want to go there alone, he has made a decision to take hold of human beings and ensure they end in hellfire with him. The devil has been fighting, losing, and submitting to the superior power of God through Christ Jesus. When you want to deal with the enemy as a Christian make a declaration and watch as your enemies submit.
He took the congregation through salvation sessions, intense deliverance, and prayers where lost souls reconciled to the Lordship of Christ, all aged long enemies of God’s people were cursed and dealt with permanently, and declarations of total freedom and protection were made.
Hallelujah! Our tormentor( the devil) has been defeated and victory is forever ours!
Coming up next is the Germany crusade.
Date: Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August, 2024
Stay tuned for the update.