The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Remark Of ” Hope For The Needy”, 2024
The great annual international program ended in jubilation and celebration for all worshippers and the entire world as the Hope For The Needy( God) visited and supplied the needs of everyone.
It all started with spirit-filled consecrated worship songs that instigated the wholesome dedication of lives to God.
There was an overflow of crowds who graced the program physically and virtually.
Insurmountable mountains were instantly liquidated at the declarations of healing and freedom by the servant of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, as a woman who was brought dead came back to life, 18 years of paralysis was rolled away, 45 and 35 years born dead and dumb heard and spoke and so on.
Many who were visited by God during previous crusades, retreats and fellowships testified of how they were delivered, healed, and achieved success.
A few out of some of them was a young boy who scored the highest CGP of 4.98\ 5.0 in the University of Benin( UniBen), since 54 years of its inception. He came out as the overall best in his department, faculty, and institution at large. Only God can do this!
A man who isn’t a member of the church attended Mgbidi 2024, early this year, and made a vow to God about his family’s landed property which they have been unable to complete since 2020, there at the crusade, the man prayed and promised God that he would bring the first payment he will receive as a landlord in the house he intends to build on that land. After that program, amidst all odds, God granted his request and made him finish the building within six months. He is now a landlord and his wife, is a proud landlady. Now, he has declared himself a bonafide member of The Lord’s Chosen church. He then asked his wife to come and testify on his behalf to the glory of God, plus fulfill the vow that He has made to the Lord. Hallelujah!
Check into for more powerful testimonies and insightful teachings.
The congregation, chorus leaders, and different choristers joyfully danced and swayed with melodious hymns, songs, and praises to God in appreciation for His wondrous deeds.
The man of God ministered with the topic “Hope For The Needy( parts 1&2), and elaborated thus: our God and Father, who is in Heaven, the Father of the fatherless, the husband of the widow, the Hope of the orphans, the Hope of sinners in need of salvation, the Hope for the barren, the Hope for the needy has ordained this program specially for you who are in need, to meet all your needs. Whatsoever you’re going through shall be settled, the Lord will serve, service, fix you up, and promote you.
God is our hope through Jesus Christ, that was why he sent Him to die for us that as we believe in Him, we shall be saved from the destruction which the devil has planned.
He beckoned on all who have forsaken God in one way or the other to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior, acknowledge the Lordship of Christ, confess and accept Him into their hearts and then pray blessings, unexpected open doors, favours, and connections for all the worshippers.
Bundles of Joy( babies and infants) were also brought before the altar of God and were dedicated to the Lord in prayer of protection, and preservation provision for their parents.
Truly, it was a revitalizing, reviving, and fortifying moment in the presence of God. Glory be to His name forever. Amen.
Forthcoming conventions are as follows:
Only God Can Do This – 21st and 22nd December 2024.
22nd Anniversary Celebration – 25th December 2024.
Change Of New Garment – 1st January 2024.
What God Has Determined Shall Be Done – 2nd- 5th January 2025.