The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Chief Priestess (Eze Nwanyi) Of Haba Agulu Idols Surrenders To Jesus After 23 Years Of Idolatry; Now A Chosen Mopol
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me
Exodus 20:2
Our God is gracious and plenteous in mercy. He has decided to visit the camp of our Sister. Read her testimony.
My name is Ifeoma Okafor. I joined this ministry in November 2023. I am from Agulu in Anambra State of Nigeria.
Prior to joining this ministry that November, I was worshipping and serving a hantle of idols. They were the idols of my father. Those idols covenanted only females to be its high priest. Therefore, I was chosen to be the next chief priestess of the idol.
The idols began to torment me while I was still a kid. They forbid me to marry or have children of my own. It was so popular in Anambra State and was called Haba Agulu Shrine.
However, I refused to serve the idol, so I started searching for a way to run away from that demonic assignment. I sought solutions from over 50 churches, they prayed for me to get delivered from the grips of those idols but to no avail, until I eventually surrendered to be its messenger in August 2000.
After I gave in to serve the idols, I discovered that the idols were so many and I couldn’t serve all of them at the same time, so I decided to serve only 17 of them. As a result of this decision, the remaining idols I refused to serve alongside others, began to torment me. They crippled me and made me lose my sight. I was badly oppressed by them.
In November 2023, I was attending to people who came to make sacrifices to the idols, when a man appeared to me physically and told me his name was “Holy God Of Chosen” and he had come to deliver me from the hands of these idols. I was amazed because I was able to see the man. He told me that henceforth, I must serve him alone. That He is the maker of all things and these idols were nothing.
Within a short while, I felt fire burning all over my body internally. This Man that appeared to me then was still with me. He instructed me to destroy all the idols and everything in the shrine. I obeyed and burnt everything. All the shrine servants who were so much in number couldn’t come close to me. They were astonished and amazed at the new development.
Afterward, I became normal again. Everyone in the community was shocked to learn of what happened. This is because it was impossible for any human being to challenge these idols. But God of Chosen came to free me by Himself. I regained my sight and began to walk again.
After this deliverance, five of my immediate neighbours in the community followed me to serve the God Of Chosen. For the first time in my life, I came to Lagos State yesterday to attend this program “From Sorrow To Joy, 2024” in the company of Anambra State State Pastor.
Secondly, I want to appreciate God for delivering me from the severe torment of what looked like giant tapeworms in my stomach. This began when I was given water to drink in a supposed prayer house while I was seeking for deliverance from these idols.
This deliverance came in December 2023 after our Pastor in Anambra State testified of how another brother stopped the spirit of death that was killing his fellow villagers by tying an apron on the window of his father’s house. So I keyed into that testimony by tying the church apron around my stomach and that became the end of the moving giant-like object till today.
In summary, I remain thankful to God for the great deliverance from the strong hands of Haba Agulu idols that lasted for 23 years and the divine healing of the constant torment of giant tapeworms in my stomach that began in 1999.
Praise the Lord.
I don’t know what you are going through. Have you been caged by strange powers, tormented with sicknesses and diseases yet no solution, visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and God will deliver you from all the captivity of the enemies. See you soon.
Jesus is Lord!