The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Cervical Cancer That Took Up To 50 Pints Of Blood, Crushed At The Prayer Of Our G.O.
Now I will break this yoke from off thee and will burst thy bonds in sunder – Nahum 1 vs 13.
Oh! come and see that the Lord is good, The Lord indeed confirmeth the word of his messenger, when all hope seemed lost, The Almighty God came through and did the impossible in the life of our sister and it became possible.
Read her testimony;
My name is Sis Eunice Owoeye from Niger, Minna precisely, I thank God for making me a Chosen, and I am happy to stand before you because God of heaven gave me a second chance to live again, Halleluyah!
In 2018, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and since then I have been going from one hospital to another. Then in 2020, the affliction was ravaging and have taken over 50 pints of blood, because as am receiving it, it’s going out as well.
Then, my state pastor, Pastor Stephen arranged for me to see our Daddy during the 2020 “From Sorrow To Joy” After the program, I was thinking he would see me one-on-one to counsel me and pray for minutes at least, but as I saw him in his car, he drove past me and then stopped, winded down his glass and pointed at me saying and I quote “I cancel that affliction in Jesus name” I said Amen.
Brethren, lo and behold! Since then, the God of heaven honoured the words of my pastor, and the affliction was canceled forever. By His grace and mercy today I am free from cervical cancer, God has healed me permanently.
I want to roll on the ground to appreciate this God, He has done what no man can do.
I pray for my pastor because he is rightly dividing the word of the truth, he shall never be put to shame in Jesus’ name. I pray for heaven at last for him, our mummy, the family and all Chosen brethren in Jesus’ name.