The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Cancer Of The Ear Vanished After The Prayer Of Our General Overseer
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him
Acts 10:38
It is amazing to know that there is no problem or sickness that cannot be crushed by God. Once His power descends on someone, the rest becomes a testimony. It has happened again.
Read this incredible testimony of our brother.
My name is Brother Donatus Okoye. I come from Awka in Anambra State and I worship at the Amigbo branch in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. I joined this ministry in the year 2009 and I want to thank God for making my family and I Chosen.
Brethren, I was afflicted with cancer of the ear. It was a torn in my flesh. I decided to come for the program titled: ” From Sorrow to Joy” 2023. The ear was swollen at that time. I was very lean and filled with sorrow.
During the program, our General Overseer prayed for us, and I believed the prayer. I went home full of faith that my case was over.
After I returned to my base, I noticed that the swollen ear had begun to deflate. Within a short while, my body changed and my original stature surfaced again. I became fully normalized.
That was how God miraculously intervened and healed me of ear cancer. I have come to return all the glory to God Almighty because only Him can do this and I am grateful for all He has done. May His holy name be praised forever in Jesus name, Amen.
I don’t know the type of illness or challenges you are going through and it seems there is no hope. I can assure you that there is hope. Visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and you will experience a divine encounter that will turn your sorrow into joy.