[VIDEO] Boko Haram Bullets Did Not Penetrate Me As I Battled With Them

The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to naught and He maketh the devices of the people of no effect. Psalm 33:10.

The Mighty God Of Chosen, the only God who sees in secret and in truth has wroth mysterious wonders in the life of our beloved brother. His testimony goes thus.

My name is Brother Bulus Bilikita, I am a soldier and I came from Bornu state. I am serving in Jos, Plateau State but I am on operation in Bornu State.

I came in contact with The Lord’s Chosen Church last year in April 2021 while my wife joined in November 2020. When she called me that she has found a church called The Lord’s Chosen Church, I said to myself which one is Chosen again because we have been to so many churches and have met with numerous pastors and prophets. I know God led her to this church because of me and Today, I thank God that I am a Chosen.
Here is my testimony:

My wife told me that in Chosen they don’t dress extravagantly so as a Chosen member, she packed all her trousers, attachments, and earrings and burnt them, that made us fight and quarrel over the phone because I bought some of those things for her. I told her even if she doesn’t wear those clothes, our children will wear them and she said they wouldn’t wear them.

On 12th March 2021, we had a blocking force in a form of a checkpoint where we work in shifts. It happened that Boko Haram came to attack the checkpoint on the day it wasn’t my turn and killed a soldier who packed his vehicle exactly where I normally pack.

In February 2021, my wife attended a program in Lagos State titled, ‘From Sorrow To Joy’, where she met with the G.O and he briefly prayed saying: I cancel it(×3). Afterward, On the 12th of March 2022, Boko haram attacked our camp and killed many soldiers but God preserved me because of our Daddy’s prayer.

On the 29th of March 2022, I was reposted from Bornu to Jos where my family resides, there I joined The Lord’s Chosen Church fully. Before then, on 13th March 2022 in Maiduguri two of our soldiers were killed on our way to go drop one deceased at the Maiduguri morgue, I recalled that before I joined this movement, my wife connected me with our branch pastor on phone, and he prayed for me and said, “God will keep me in the front when my enemies will be at the back, and the back when they’ll be at the front”.

I was at the front leading the convoy of four gunner trucks: mine moved first followed by the ambulance carrying the corpse, then the other three. Just then, I sighted Boko Haram’s gun truck ahead of us, and the gunner in my truck shouted “stop”, before he could halt me again, I abruptly stood still. There and then, we observed and discovered that a lot of the Boko Haram trucks were far before us and it was as if they laid an ambush there. I would have gotten into their trap as the first driver on the move, and the ambulance and other gun trucks following me would have escaped while My truck and I will be stuck in their midst to face them, they would have even killed or kidnapped me alive who knows? But God delivered me ahead of time; He exposed their plots and rendered them futile. Hallelujah!

Secondly, last year, precisely on 12th October 2021, it happened that we were in a convoy with two brigadier generals, one Connel, and other junior officers. We were with 14 gunner trucks. We passed through Damaturu getting to Maiduguri which were two lane and was halted when we got the information that our nearby checkpoint/camp was attacked by Boko Haram. I called the signal radio operator in the army and he said that Gambo camp which we just passed three to four minutes ago was being attacked. These terrorists came with a large number of hard-skinned people. We were instructed to go back and reinforce the camp that was being ravaged, before we moved into the battlefield, one of the brigadier generals divided us into two groups to run on different lanes, as we began to move, it was as if the Boko Haram pulled up and we mixed with them: when they turn and see soldiers they shoot and vice versa. The fight continued that way. At a point, there was confusion everywhere, I had to pick up my rifle and got down from the vehicle, I went to the back of the truck and lay down there. Meanwhile, others colleagues have escaped into the bush. As a driver and a gunner in the army, you must not run away and leave the trucks behind. So, I stayed there with my gunner at the top of the vehicle unleashing bullets. One of the terrorists saw me at the back of the truck, and he began to shoot directly at my position but God kept my head down while the bullet was passing me without penetrating.

Thereafter, the Boko Haram scorpion truck; a truck that has chains instead of tires suddenly showcased from a nearby bush and speedily approached our trucks to smash them, all the soldiers turned their vehicles and ran far away, I was the only one who was there with my truck and gunner who was at the top of the vehicle. My gunner instructed me to reverse because they’ll deal with us if they meet us here. I don’t know how I managed to get into my truck and reversed speedily to go and meet with other soldiers a kilometer ahead of us, when we got there, they were surprised to see us, they couldn’t believe we couldn’t return to them. They’ve already written us off, they thought we’ve been entrapped and done away with but God mysteriously saved us.

Two days later, precisely on the 15th of October 2021, we were on a convoy again from our location going to Maiduguri, we stumbled into the Boko Haram gang with their three gun trucks and one Emerald. An emerald is a vehicle that a gunshot can’t penetrate. Our convoy had only 5 gun trucks. We had soldiers on the left side of the camp, the terrorists were coming from the right while we were in the middle. When we all noticed ourselves, they started firing from different angles. There was enough volume of gunshots and I know that if the guy driving the emerald got to me, I’ll be dead. Suddenly, I zoomed off, this God didn’t allow any bullet to hit me or my vehicle. Hallelujah!

Lastly, I came to Lagos from Bornu because of an excruciating pain I experience in my left leg, this pain makes me cry, and anytime the ache surfaces I feel like my leg is being cut off, I don’t stand for too long whenever I stand I feel pains. On my arrival to Lagos State, my wife told me about the Friday vigil. She urged me to come, and also made me know that everyone stands to participate from start to finish. We went for the vigil, I stood with the painful leg from 10 am to 12 am, asking God to heal me, so that I won’t return home with that pain. At around 2 am, I discovered that I was relieved, I move my legs and I couldn’t feel the pain. The next day, during the worker’s meeting, I tried to walk fast to see if I will feel the pain but I felt nothing up till now.

At this point, I say a big thank you to the God Of Chosen. I return all the glory, honour, and adoration to Him alone. To my Daddy G.O, I pray for more strength, grace, power, and heaven at last. To the Chosen members worldwide, I pray heaven at last.

To the military men especially in Nigeria, I advise that if you want to be safe in this kind of our work, you need to join The Lord’s Chosen Church where your safety is assured.

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